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Your True Giving Is An Act of Worship

In our previous teaching, we established that true giving which is driven by faith, inner conviction, or free will, comes from the heart. This kind of giving is more than just an act—it is a significant and joyful expression of worship. Whether it’s our time, talents, gifts, sacrifices, or finances, …

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Should a Church Leader Be Addressed As General Overseer?

As Christians, it is necessary that we question and discuss some controversial practices and traditions in today’s Church in the light of the written Word of God for us to learn, add to knowledge and reform. Most Pentecostal and Charismatic ministers who have established churches are addressed as General Overseers. Many …

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Don’t Be Moved By The Externals

The Bible highlights various examples of giving by God’s people that prompted His blessings, goodwill, favour, approval, and commendation. What’s noteworthy is that none of these individuals was influenced by external circumstances—they did not act under pressure or compulsion. Instead, their acts of giving were driven by faith, inner conviction, …

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Restoring a Straying Christian Leader

Apostles, pastors, deacons and other church leaders are not super human beings. As men and women like everyone else, they are not above mistakes. So, sometimes, they go astray, backslide or fall. A minister of God may go astray when he fails to keep the teachings of the Word of …

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One Main Cause of Problems in the Church and Christianity Today

The Church and for that matter Christianity are faced with serious problems of mistrust, criticism and above all rejection these days. Erroneous interpretation of scriptures, extra-biblical practices, replacement of the gospel of Jesus Christ with prosperity gospel and others feed the problems mentioned above. Consequently, the Christian faith appears to …

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The Disease of the Human Soul

It is medically said that any disorder that affects the correct functioning of the body is a disease. Similarly, any disorder that affects the correct functioning of the soul is a disease. Sin is the disease of the soul. A sinner’s soul is unhealthy so he cannot function correctly. A …

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Responding To God’s Stirring

God calls people to fulfil His plans and purposes with their gifts, talents, and resources. He communicates His calling through visions, dreams, prophetic utterances, angelic visitations, inner convictions, and the guidance of the Spirit. However, the primary way God calls His people to contribute financially to His purposes on earth …

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6 Unique Traits of a Genuine Minister of the Gospel (1)

A few years ago, a Ghanaian pastor stated that “if you preach about Jesus your church will not grow.” He also mockingly said “the Holy Spirit does not give ‘chop’ money.” He was teaching his church members about principles of financial breakthrough in the hope that they would be out …

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5 Signs That You Are Under the Attack of the Spirit of Stupor

The life of a true born again Christian is very inspiring and vibrant in spite of the various temptations and trials. Challenges of Life A Christian may face challenges of life such as poverty, hardship, unemployment, disappointment, sickness, disease or setback, yet they keep soldiering on.  Disciples of Christ understand …

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When Christians Like Motivational Messages Than The Gospel

We Church people confess Christ Jesus as our Lord and Saviour. We say He is our shepherd and we are His sheep. We also know that the Church and Christianity could not have existed without Christ Jesus. Almost everything about Christians is centered on Christ Jesus. Without Him, we are …

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My Testimony to Critics of the Gospel of Christ Jesus

My name is James Quansah, a Journalist, Pastor and Author with academic training in communication, theology and management. I believed in Jesus Christ decades ago; I still believe in Him and live by the teachings of the Bible. Some unbelievers with atheistic mindset say hearing the gospel of Jesus Christ, …

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Abounding in the Grace of Giving

The Church must understand that we are called not only to grow, excel, and abound in various aspects of God’s grace but also to reflect His generous character through the grace of giving. The Bible highlights the Philippian church in Macedonia, which partnered with Paul in advancing the kingdom of …

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Two Groups of Christians in Every Local Church

The Lord Jesus Christ instructs His servants to make disciples (Matthew 28:19). He does not send them to make just church members. A church member is basically a member of a local church. A disciple of Christ Jesus, on the other hand, is a student of Jesus or someone who …

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Is the Church Built on Christ Jesus or Peter?

“And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH…” (Matthew 16:18). Controversy surrounds the scriptural verse above.  Some Bible scholars and preachers argue that Jesus, per the statement, meant that He would build His Church upon Peter. Is their interpretation right? Now it …

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The Impact of the Ascension Gifts

The Lord Jesus Christ gave gifts to men after His resurrection and ascension to the Father. Thus, the gifts are often referred to as ascension gifts or ministery gifts. “Wherefore he saith, when he ascended up on high, he  led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men…And he gave some, …

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Give Back to God The Things That Belong to God

“…Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and give to God what belongs to God” (Matthew 22:21 (NLT). By the grace of God, we are beginning a new series, and I am privileged to lead the first part, titled *Give Back to God the Things That Belong to God.* The …

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People Who Have Supernaturally Encountered Jesus Christ (2)

In the Part One, I indicated that some Christians have encountered the Lord Jesus Christ in dreams, visions or trances. I quoted scriptural verses, showing encounters the apostle Paul had with Jesus Christ after His ascension. I also mentioned the late Prophet Kenneth Hagin, Evangelist Dag Heward-Mills and other Christians …

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Three Things God Expects You To Do With His Word

Are you a child of God in Christ Jesus? Do you wish to grow up spiritually, educationally and mentally? Do you also desire to increase in divine wisdom and understanding, fulfill your God-given ministry and above all please God? Do not worry. This short article is for you. It will …

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Ministers of The Gospel Are God’s Portion

There is one thing I cry about everyday. It is about the survival of ministers of God and the propagation of the gospel in these last days. Doing God’s work is not as easy as many people think. Many ministers of God come under severe spiritual, psychological and physical attacks, …

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Love in Action: The Unifying Force That Binds us Together

God’s Servant, Peter Collins Obeng  The nation of Israel was chosen by God to be a model of unity and holiness. Their collective worship and obedience to God were meant to unify them as one nation under His rule. Scripture calls believers to pursue and maintain unity within the Body …

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