9 Things Fornication And Adultery Do To Your Destiny And Life | Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre
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9 Things Fornication And Adultery Do To Your Destiny and Life

ONE SIN humans commonly commit these days is fornication or adultery. God warns people against committing this and other sexual sins, but men and women do not obey God.

“He who commits adultery lacks sense; he who does it destroys himself. He will get wound and dishonor, and his disgrace will not be wiped away” (Proverbs 6:32-33).

Esther Ginika, a Nigerian woman in a Facebook video, gives nine things that happen to people who commit fornication or adultery. CLC presents Ginika’s words below:

Fornication/Adultery reduces your glory

Fornication or adultery reduces a person’s glory. God created you with so much power and authority that makes other people to respect and honour you. But once you commit fornication or adultery, it reduces this glory. It brings down your glory.

It delays or destroys your destiny

So many people are struggling right now without knowing what the cause is. God has deposited in you with so many things. But because of sexual immorality, which is a sin against your body, you have destroyed your own destiny. This is why you are struggling in life.

Everything will be revealed and made clear to you at the right time if you are sexually pure. The right thing to do now is to ask for God’s mercy. You are to ask God to sanctify you and purify you once again. It is very, very important for you to know this.

Fornication reduces your value

Your value is what attracts people to you. People see your light. People see so many things you carry. They always want to come close to you. This may not be seen physically but it is there spiritually, but once any man or woman commits fornication or adultery, it prevents people from seeing anything attractive in them.

Sometimes you start wondering, why is everything going upside down? A woman may ask herself: why is it that this man promised to marry me, but he did not marry me? All you need to do is to pray and recover your destiny.

It reduces your anointing

Fornication or adultery reduces your anointing. You might be a powerful pastor or a powerful brother or sister.  You pray very well; you see visions. But since you committed fornication, you are not that powerful anymore. You see, the enemies are trying to reduce your power. They are trying to reduce your anointing. Please, pray and take back your power. Pray and ask God for mercy to regain your power or to regain that authority, that anointing you carry.

It takes away your stars

Fornication and adultery take away your stars. Sometimes, you don’t know that you are carrying stars, talent, gifts or you are carrying inspiration. It is this inspiration which makes you brighter and outstanding among others.

But since you committed adultery or fornication, you are living with guilty conscience. I have good news for you. You are the reason Jesus died on the cross. Therefore, the devil should not make you live with guilty conscience. All you need to do is to ask God for forgiveness. Ask for mercy to purify you again. Ask him to return your power and destiny.

Fornication and adultery results in killing

This sin makes you to shed innocent blood. You don’t want people to hear that you have impregnated a sister or you as a sister, you don’t want people to see that you are pregnant. Thus, you decide to commit abortion.

You see, the devil is afflicting you with guilty conscience thereby leading you to kill.

It is important that you confess your sin to God, and then make sure you don’t repeat it. It’s very important. Because when you ask God for forgiveness, He will forgive you, but don’t keep on repeating it. Because that grace you have might not be there the next time. Be very careful.

It makes you to lose focus

Sexual immorality makes you to lose focus. You are a focused person, but once you commit adultery or fornication, you lose focus. All you always imagine is sexual immorality, leading you to commit it regularly. We must know that fornication or adultery kills destiny. It always distracts you from fulfilling your purpose in life.

Perhaps, you are carrying a great task, a great talent. The minute you commit fornication or adultery, you lose your focus. You lose your direction. You lose your concentration. Be very careful and ask God to help you to control your sexual desire so that you can be focused on pursuing your destiny.

It makes you blame others

When a young lady or man commits fornication, they accuse each other. Like what Adam did in the Garden of Eden. He accused Eve of giving him the fruit. Meanwhile, he knew the instruction.

Committing fornication and adultery makes you accuse others. Instead of taking the blame, some people accuse the devil or God. They say, “God, why did you allow me to do this? Or some people will say, “It’s the devil that causes it.

Please, the devil is not the cause. You lost your self-control. That’s what happens. It’s not the devil or God that causes it. You are the one that lose your self-control. And the minute you lose self-control, the devil will enter.

The best thing to do is to accept what you did and repent from it. That’s what God wants from you. Because when you accuse others, it shows that you are trying to justify yourself. It’s very important for you to know that you are not meant to justify yourself. You are meant to accept your mistakes and ask God for mercy to avoid the consequences. It’s very important.

Fornication/adultery makes you break the confidence God has with you

God knew who you were and what you are going to be when He created you. He has plans for you and that plan is for your good. But when you commit fornication and adultery, you break the covenant that holds God’s plan.

So, be very careful when you are tempted to commit fornication or adultery. So many married men and women have stars. But once they commit adultery, it makes them break that confidence and lose that glory.

For them to recover, they have to admit that they have sinned and ask God for mercy. Everyone sins. No one is perfect. Please, don’t justify yourself when you sin. Accept it that we all are imperfect human beings. Every man is working towards perfection.
Transcribed by CLC staff writer

About James Quansah

James Quansah is the lead pastor of End-Time Christ's Commissioners and Executive Director of Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre. He is also a self-motivated communication and management professional with over 20 years of experience as the Ashanti Regional Editor/Manager of the Daily Guide Newspaper.

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