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Why We Need Both Physical and Spiritual Knowledge

“THE THIEF comes only to STEAL AND KILL AND DESTROY. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly,” (John 10:10, emphasis mine). Jesus Christ of Nazareth tells the blind educated Pharisees while preaching that there is a spirit being called Satan who is wickedly operating in the world. He is the father of all liars; his main mission is to steal, kill and destroy. He also blinds the minds of unbelievers (2 Corinthians 4:3-4).

Satan steals, kills, and destroys unjustly because there is no justice in him. I do not blame anyone for their unbelief resulting from their ignorance of spiritual knowledge. The devil is the god of the world (2 Corinthians 4:4); and the whole world lies in his power (1 John 5:19). When you read about Adolf Hitler, one of history’s most notorious dictators, you learn how wicked and heartless Satan and his minions can be.

However, some educated but blind people who think having school education is all that there is to know in this life will call you names. Of course, education or mastering a skill for gainful employment or establishing a business is pivotal in national development. But it must be understood that life on earth is not only concerned about physical things. Another important area of concern is the spiritual.

However, when believers read spiritual meanings into some incidents of suicide, accident, fire outbreak and other tragedies in the world, some educated folks call it superstition or over-spiritualisation. What is over-spiritualisation in saying that spirit beings are sometimes responsible for bloodshed? These critics say we should stop praying and fasting in seeking spiritual solutions to some of these problems, and rather think critically for antidotes.

Who said Christians are not great thinkers? Christianity believes in critical thinking; but thinking critically to find solutions to problems without the involvement of God through prayers and fasting is a weak approach. If you think critical thinking is the only option, visit Greece where great Stoic, Epicurean and other thinkers lived and you will see that life on earth does not consist only in the abundance of physical knowledge.

“The Greek philosopher, Plato, once said there are three valid sources of knowledge: first, the five senses- touch, taste, smell, sight and sound – which we share with animal kingdom. Second, reason – which sets man apart from the lower animals. The third he called “Divine Madness” – by which he referred to the spiritual world of supernatural communication.”

“Later his disciple, Aristotle, eliminated the third source – the entire intuitive faculty by which divine perception comes to man. Aristotle said knowledge comes only through the five senses and reason,” (Jamie Buckingham, Power for Living, 1998).
Jamie further states that, “Much of the Western world was affected by what Aristotle taught. But in Eastern and primitive cultures, references to the spirit world – the world of dreams and visions and supernatural communication – are common in all walks of life.”

These so-called critical thinking apostles are obviously students of Aristotle. They measure the pleasantness of life with the inventions and wealth of the developed nations, but they forget the moral corruption in these societies where prayer and Bible reading in schools have been replaced with the promotion of bestiality and homosexuality. They are also ignorant that the door of salvation through the preaching of the gospel Christ Jesus has been shut to them because of their unbelief and pride.

Life is a mystery; and mystery is spiritual than physical. Man, a spirit being with a soul and living in a body, is supposed to be spiritually enlightened in order to meaningfully manage his physical life. Life is not all about the possession of the things of the world to enjoy ‘smooth’ beverages and sumptuous meals, but more importantly it is an opportunity for man to have an intimate relationship with God, his Creator.

Man needs God to protect, defend, save, deliver and redeem him from the wickedness of Satan. You may not believe it because of your erroneous Aristotelian education, but there exist in the unseen realm spiritual forces, wreaking havoc on humanity. They may operate through human agents as they possess them. Such people often behave violently and abnormally. This is where social scientists and other professionals with great critical thinking abilities come in to investigate their behaviours in the hope of finding solutions.

Truly some breakthroughs are achieved; but you can see that after decades of research works, man’s problems keep compounding. Best medical practitioners, security apparatuses, thinkers and wealth abound, yet there is no solution to wicked killings, accidents, rapes and other violent crimes against humanity. The reason is that the underlying cause of violence and bloodshed is often spiritual which is beyond mere critical thinking.

This is not over spiritualisation. The God who created the world and everything in it says there is a malevolent being called Satan whose business is to steal, kill and destroy. The devil will continue to be the god of this world until the Lord Jesus Christ returns to take unto Himself people who have believed in His salvation plan and confine the enemy and his demons in everlasting fire. But even before Jesus Christ comes the Bible implores Christians to be watchful and prayerful because “Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour,” (1 Peter 5: 8).

About James Quansah

James Quansah is the lead pastor of End-Time Christ's Commissioners and Executive Director of Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre. He is also a self-motivated communication and management professional with over 20 years of experience as the Ashanti Regional Editor/Manager of the Daily Guide Newspaper.

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