One-Man Church Or One-Man Ministry? | Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre
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One-Man Church Or One-Man Ministry?

IT IS very common to hear people describe a church as a one-man church. But does a one-man church exist on earth? Do the critics really understand what a church is?

I wish to boldly declare that there has not, there is not and there will be no such thing as “a one-man church” or “one-woman church” on earth to mock a pastor.

Anyone who uses the term “one-man church” is ignorant scripturally. In fact, there is no such term as “one-man church” in the lexicon of the Church of Jesus Christ.

To refer to a church as one-man is to say that the church is made up of only one believer, a follower or a disciple of Christ who is a man. And such a church is rare in the world.

Now, if the critics use the term “one-man church” to refer to a church which is led, shepherded or served by one man, who solely makes decisions for the church he shepherds, then their opinion is uninformed.

Scripturally, the word “church” does not mean a physical building, a religious system, a name of a Christian denomination or a religious organization.

The word “church” means “the elect of God”, “the assembly of called out ones”, “the governmental assembly of God”, “the congregation of God” or “the community of believers” with Christ Jesus as their King.

In other words, the church whether local or universal refer to the people of God. One person does not constitute a church but two or three persons do. However, one person may be a member of the church.

Now, the appropriate term these critics can use in referring to one man leading, shepherding, overseeing, pastoring and being solely responsible for making decisions of a church is one-man ministry. The word “ministry” basically means “service.”

And there is nothing wrong if one man leads or makes decisions for a small church which has newly been established.

First of all, the founder of the Church, Jesus Christ, who is the object of faith, is one. It was He who said, “I will build my church…” He never said, “We will build our churches…”

Besides, every Christian denomination namely, Catholic, Methodist, Presbyterian, Anglican, Assemblies of God, The Church of Pentecost and others were all started and led by one man for some time.

This was the situation until they grew numerically and opened several branches with several overseers, thereby necessitating the creation of governing councils or presbytery or executive board or board of trustees with constitutions to steer their affairs.

By James Quansah
Pastor, End-Time Christ’s Commissioners
Executive Director,  Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre

About James Quansah

James Quansah is the lead pastor of End-Time Christ's Commissioners and Executive Director of Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre. He is also a self-motivated communication and management professional with over 20 years of experience as the Ashanti Regional Editor/Manager of the Daily Guide Newspaper.

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