Muslim Kills His Mother For Accepting Christ | Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre
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Muslim Kills His Mother for Accepting Christ

A 25-year-old Muslim man in Uganda inflicted injuries on his mother that led to her death after he found out that she had converted to Christianity and accepted Jesus Christ.

Ashirafu Basalirwa returned home on December 15, to Busia town, Busia District in Uganda, after four years of working in Saudi Arabia and found his mother, Sawuba Naigaga, mentioning the name of Jesus as she prayed.

“As I was praying with my eyes closed, my son called me, saying ‘Mum, Mum – you are becoming a disgrace to the family and the religion of Allah,’” the 46-year-old Naigaga told her friend before she died on Dec. 17. “I kept quiet, and he pushed me hard to the wall, then I fell down. He then took a blunt object and hit me on the head. Since then, I lost all my consciousness, only to find myself in the hospital bed,” Morning Star News reports.

The friend said she had told Naigaga the gospel and led her to Christ.

“I preached the Good News of Jesus to Sawuba, who gave her life to Christ in 2022,” said the friend, whose name is withheld for security reasons. “We had been attending church. One thing which I know is that she kept her faith silent from her family members, including her son.”

Basalirwa had gone to Saudi Arabia to look for employment after graduating from an Islamic university in Uganda, the friend said.

She found Naigaga the day of the assault.

“I ran to Sawuba’s home after hearing wailing from her house and an alarm from neighbors,” the friend recalled. “I dashed quickly to the scene, and I found her in a pool of blood but in an unconscious state. We rushed her to a nearby hospital, but she breathed her last breath after two days on Dec. 17 due to internal bleeding.”

Continue to pray for Christians in Uganda as they go through fierce persecutions and death for their faith in Jesus Christ.

SOURCE: Believer’s Portal

About James Quansah

James Quansah is the lead pastor of End-Time Christ's Commissioners and Executive Director of Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre. He is also a self-motivated communication and management professional with over 20 years of experience as the Ashanti Regional Editor/Manager of the Daily Guide Newspaper.

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