James Quansah’s Inspiring Quotes | Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre
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James Quansah’s Inspiring Quotes

“He who is the Way to heaven must be someone who came from heaven, preached to show people the Way to heaven, ascended to heaven and promised to return from heaven to take those who believe in Him to heaven. Without controversy, only Jesus Christ of Nazareth is the Way to heaven.”

“Lust looks and runs after the beauty of a person’s body, but love looks and runs after the beauty of a person’s heart.”

“Love sees beyond the beauty of people’s bodies to admire the beauty of their hearts.”

“We humans are greatly attracted to a beautiful body, but God is greatly attracted to a beautiful spirit.”

“A person saved by grace through faith in Christ Jesus may have ugly body, but he or she has a beautiful spirit.”

“Today, most Christians have knowledge about money more that the cross of Christ Jesus. And most Christians understand money more than the cross of Christ. This is because most pastors preach and teach about money more than the cross of Christ.”

“A house is good, but Jesus didn’t die so that believers can have houses. A car is good, but Jesus didn’t die so that believers can have cars. An academic degree is good, but Jesus didn’t die so that believers can have university degrees. Jesus Christ died so that believers may have eternal life.”

“Friends, may God open our eyes to set our priorities right. May we look unto Calvary and receive revelation of the purpose of Christ’s suffering.”

“Whoever says that money is unimportant on earth is a liar. Money is required for most of the things we need to have or do including the work of God. But money is not important than God. We must therefore work hard to make money, but we must work harder to know and grow in Christ. Knowing Christ Jesus and being found Him is a Christian’s greatest achievement.”

“God and money seem to fight a Christian’s attention. Now, it is the individual believer’s duty to make a choice between the two.”

“You see, Scripture doesn’t say that for all are poor and have no money to buy food, pay rent, pay fees or travel abroad. Rather, it says, “For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.”

“If Christ died for us all to be rich financially, then, no Christian should work to make money just as no Christian worked to receive righteousness.”

“Journalists publish news. Pastors publish Good News. News dies with time, but Good News lasts forever.”

By James Quansah

About James Quansah

James Quansah is the lead pastor of End-Time Christ's Commissioners and Executive Director of Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre. He is also a self-motivated communication and management professional with over 20 years of experience as the Ashanti Regional Editor/Manager of the Daily Guide Newspaper.

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