Don’t Be Moved By The Externals | Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre
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Don’t Be Moved By The Externals

The Bible highlights various examples of giving by God’s people that prompted His blessings, goodwill, favour, approval, and commendation.

What’s noteworthy is that none of these individuals was influenced by external circumstances—they did not act under pressure or compulsion. Instead, their acts of giving were driven by faith, inner conviction, or free will.

1. By faith, Abel offered a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, and God accepted both Abel and his offering. His act of faith continues to speak to us today (Heb. 11:4; Gen. 4:4).

2. Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice Isaac was driven by faith. God blessed him and his descendants for this act of trust (Heb. 11:17-19; Gen. 22:15-18).

3. Solomon offered 1,000 burnt offerings in dedication to God, moved by his free will and faith. As a result, God blessed him with wealth, wisdom, long life, and honour (1 Ki. 3:3-14).

4. The widow of Zarephath, by acting on God’s Word, provided for Elijah and received a miraculous blessing in return (1 Ki. 17:8-16).

5. The wealthy woman who hosted Elisha was driven by her free will, not external pressures, and was blessed with a son (2 Ki. 4:8-17).

6. God stirred the hearts of His people to rebuild the temple, and He promised to bless their response (Hag. 1:14; 2:18-19).

7. A poor widow, moved by her faith, gave all she had to live on, and Jesus praised her generosity (Mk. 12:41-42).

8. The Macedonian churches, despite their challenging circumstances, were stirred by grace and supported the needy saints in Jerusalem (2 Cor. 8:1-5 AMP).

9. The Philippians, out of free will, sent a financial gift to Paul while he was in prison. He assured them that God would meet all their needs through His glorious riches in Christ (Phil. 4:17-19).

From these examples, it becomes clear that giving that is driven by external factors does not prompt God’s blessings.

Some Christians give because they are instructed to place their money on the pulpit, believing that the physical platform holds the power to invoke blessings. Others give because a prophet anoints or prays for them.

Some give simply because others are doing the same, just like Ananias and Sapphira.

Then, there are Christians who allow their circumstances to prevent them from giving, failing to follow the convictions or promptings of their hearts.

True giving, the kind that prompts God’s blessings, must come from the heart (2 Cor. 9:7).

GOD’S servant: Peter Collins Obeng


About James Quansah

James Quansah is the lead pastor of End-Time Christ's Commissioners and Executive Director of Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre. He is also a self-motivated communication and management professional with over 20 years of experience as the Ashanti Regional Editor/Manager of the Daily Guide Newspaper.

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