‘There Are No Real Atheists In The World’ | Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre
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‘There Are No Real Atheists In The World’

Pastor Mensa Otabil, General Overseer of the International Central Gospel Church (ICGC), has in a viral video on social media, boldly asserted that there are no real atheists in the world.

Below are his words transcribed by an editorial staff of Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre (CLC) for readers. 

I have said and believe with all my heart that there is no real atheist in this world. It is impossible for a human being to be an atheist.

Why? Because the knowledge of God is instinctive to man. That is why you have to go to school for a long time and develop a very strong argument to convince yourself that there is no God.

You will hardly find an uneducated person who does not want to know God and acknowledge Him. You will find out that the people who do that will have to make mental effort to try to deny something they know without any shadow of doubt within them that it is.

And that is why atheists spend a lot of time arguing against God. If there is no God, you should not even bother. Is that not so? I mean I do not spend my time arguing  whether there is ghost or not; I do not bother.

But for someone to write books that there is no God; write books: philosophical, biological and all of that that there is no God and developing all these arguments, you will know he is arguing against something inside him which he knows is there, which he cannot deny because God breathed into him, he has been inspired.

He has not only given back his life to God but that knowledge of God is deep in every human being. No human being can be an atheist. That is why the Bible describes it clearly.

“The fool says in his heart, “There is no God…” (Psalms 14:1). What does that mean? It means he has convinced himself. When you convince yourself it means there is something inside of you that you are trying to use external arguments to overcome.

The fool has said to himself, to his heart that there is no God. He does not know that he knows there is God but he has to  debate that. You know why? Because if he accepts that there is God, then he has to be accountable to God, then his life must now be regulated (and) then when God says do not do this, he does not have to do that.

People do not want to do that; they want to have a free life so they say there is no God but I can guarantee you, no philosopher, all of you who hear all these people create arguments… I have read most of their books, they are just convincing themselves.

Most people who say there is no God say that because they are angry with a pastor, they are angry with a church, they are angry with a religious institution, they are angry with somebody who hurt them when they were young. They are just angry but inside them, they are in-breathed and their mind tells them there is God.

It is impossible to be an atheist; you cannot be. You do not have the capacity to. It is like a human being who says I will not be a human. You do not have the capacity to be non-human. You can call yourself at this point I identify as a monkey, I identify as a dog, etcetera but you do not have the capacity to.

In the same way, you have no capacity to be an atheist but you can convince yourself that there is no God;  that is your matter.

All of this is because of the Holy Spirit. He is God’s witness to our conscience. He is God’s witness inside of us because God in-breathed the Holy Spirit in us and He constantly convinces us of sin, of God, of judgement and some voice inside of us always reminds us that we will account to Somebody, we may deny it but we know it inside.

About James Quansah

James Quansah is the lead pastor of End-Time Christ's Commissioners and Executive Director of Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre. He is also a self-motivated communication and management professional with over 20 years of experience as the Ashanti Regional Editor/Manager of the Daily Guide Newspaper.

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