A BOOK FOR YOU | Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre
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Who is the owner of the Church, God or pastor?

Who is the key builder of the Church, the Holy Spirit or the minister?

Which specific Church did the Lord Jesus Christ say He would build?

This 10-chapter book: “HOW JESUS BUILDS HIS CHURCH THROUGH HIS GENUINE MINISTERS” reviewed by Rev. Alfred Nyamekye and Rev. Dr Margaret Aboagye Asabea answers these questions and more.

The book written under the influence of the Holy Spirit by Pastor James QUANSAH exposes readers to insightful contents including: Understanding the Ownership of the Church, The true Owner of the Church, Building the Church by the Holy Spirit, Christ Is not Dead; He is Alive and many more.

To get a copy of this book at a LOWER PRICE OF Ghc30, contact this number +233 24 429 8430

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