Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre (CLC) is a non-denominational Christian organisation registered in Ghana to train and educate Christian leaders on unique topics relating to Christian ministry. CLC has its headquarters at Mamponteng in the Kwabre East Municipality of the Ashanti Region of Ghana.
Its core objective is to build the capacity of Christian leaders to serve as equipping ministers of the Gospel and change agents in society for the glory of God.
At C.L.C, we are always aware of Christ’s abiding presence with His disciples, and so we educate and train Christians especially leaders to develop this consciousness. To be Christ-conscious is to be aware that Christ is always with His disciples and servants. This is why He never says goodbye to us (Matt. 28:20). Those who are Christ-conscious minister with the understanding and awareness that the God who called them always watches them and marks their works.
CLC’s Purpose
Christian leadership is about service to God and humanity — believers and unbelievers. Therefore, CLC has been established purposely to participate in this service for the advancement of the Gospel.
CLC’s Vision
To influence Christian leaders to adapt to best ministerial practices and ethical living for the glory of God and advancement of the Gospel of Christ Jesus through education and training.
CLC’s Mission
To redirect straying Christians to the sound knowledge of Christ, to equip Christian leaders to be Christ-conscious for the establishment of Christ-conscious churches
CLC’s Core Values
Leadership: We understand leadership as responsible service, faithful stewardship, and timely accountability.
Integrity: The God who appointed us into His ministry values honesty. We, His ministers, cannot be different. Thus, we strive to be honest, fair in our dealings with all manner of people and to do the right things, even when no human is watching us (Titus 2:7-8).
Excellence: We distinguish ourselves and learn to be skillful in whatever we do. To us distinction in our activities is not an option; it is a must.
Faith: We begin, ask or move at God’s instruction and we know that we have already accomplished it.
Love: We keep the commandments of God (1 John 5:2-3)
Partnership: We work together with all our stakeholders to achieve our vision and mission.
Hard work: Every day is an opportunity for us to labour for the Lord.
C.L.C’s Statement of Faith
- We believe in the 66 books of the Bible as the authoritative, infallible, and inspired Word of God profitable for teaching, reproof, correction, and training in righteousness.
2. We believe in the oneness of God self-existing eternally and revealing Himself to humans in three persons as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
3. We believe that Jesus Christ is God, who is the express image of the invisible Father in His incarnation, the sinlessness of His life, ministry, death and bodily resurrection, ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His promised bodily return in power and glory.
4. We believe the Holy Spirit is God with power and authority to convict the world of sin, of righteousness, and judgment, and sets humans free from the controlling power of sins.
5. We believe that man was created incorporeally and formed corporeally by God in His image after His likeness without sin.
6. We believe the love relationship between God and man broke, leading to separation between them after the man had voluntarily transgressed God’s command through his moral choice.
7. We believe that man has the opportunity to be forgiven, pardoned, and reconciled to God through his faith in the atoning death of Jesus Christ on the Cross.
8. believe that a lost person is properly saved when he is regenerated and indwelled by the Holy Spirit.
9. We believe that every child of God is a priest and he is called to participate in the ministry of Jesus Christ for the attainment of God’s salvation plan of the world.
10. We believe every child of God will appear before the judgment of God to give an account of his stewardship.
11. We believe that both the saved and sinner will resurrect; the saved will resurrect to eternal life and the lost will resurrect to eternal damnation.
CLC’s Conviction
1. That Christian leadership is about serving God and humanity in humility.
2. That Christ Jesus is the most important subject for preaching and teaching.
4. That the Word of God and the Spirit of God must coalesce and dwell in a Christian minister richly to be able to serve effectively for the glory of God.
CLC’s Management & Staff
CLC is run by a highly educated and distinguished team of Christ-conscious Management and Staff who are called, anointed, and commissioned by Christ Jesus to equip the end-time Christians and Christian leaders for effective ministry. Our team members are drawn from diverse professionals fields including theology, finance, law, communication, and estate management.
CLC’s organisational Structure
Executive Council
Advisory Board
Executive Director
Accountant/Administrative Officer
Communication Officer
Programme/Project Officer
Protocol Officer

James Quansah is a pastor and a self-motivated communication and management professional with over 20 years of experience as a journalist with the Daily Guide Newspaper. He is the Ashanti Regional Editor/Manager of the paper.
He has, over the years, written countless news stories and Christian feature articles published in the Daily Guide and on various websites which have impacted several lives across the globe especially in Ghana, USA and Nigeria.
James’ journey into active ministry began in 2013, when he received a call of God as a teacher with greater focus on leadership after experiencing supernatural encounters with God during a 21-day fasting and prayers. In one of those supernatural encounters in 2016, the Lord Jesus Christ healed him of a medically incurable disease which attacked him in a dream.
James Quansah began ministry earlier as a deacon for over 15 years and an Associate Pastor for three years in different churches in Accra and Kumasi. Between 2018 and 2020, he taught Church Administration at the Hillcity Bible College. He also worked at the Presbyterian University, Ghana (Kumasi Campus) as a Part-Time lecturer.
In 2019, he planted a church in his house with a great zeal and passion to equip believers for the work of ministry. And in 2020, James inspired by the Holy Spirit established the Christ Conscious Leadership Centre (CLC) to train and educate Christian leaders on special subjects and topics with an aim to enlighten and equip Christian leaders as well as redirect straying Christians to the sound knowledge of Christ.
Currently, James Quansah is the Executive Director of CLC and the Lead Pastor of End-Time Christ’s Commissioners, a Charismatic Word-based church in Kumasi.
After reading several books written by Bishop Dag Heward-Mills, Prophet Kenneth Hagin and many articles by Charles H. Spurgeon and D.L. Moody, James Quansah, one day, had a strong innate desire to be an author. He has, so far, written 16 Christ-centred and gospel-focused books and hundreds of inspiring and revealing Christian articles published on his website Five of James’ inspired 16 books have also been published on Amazon.
James Quansah holds a Master’s Degree in Christian Ministry with Management and a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication with specialty in Public Relations from Christian Service University.
He is happily married to Felicia Quansah and blessed with four children: Divine Korankye Quansah, Randy Darko Quansah, Nana Yaw Eseel Quansah and James Quansah Junior.