God gives us His word so that we can learn to do His will on earth. It is for this reason, He sends His messengers to teach and preach His word in every part of the world. People, therefore, have the responsibility to hear the word of God whenever and …
Read More »Won’t Jesus Repeat His Criticisms In Matthew 23:1-12 Against Today’s Church Leaders?
Please, we wish to encourage you to read this article from the beginning to the end for a better understanding. And kindly share to bless others. May God bless you. It is said that history repeats itself. And so Solomon was right in saying that, “What has been is what …
Read More »Let Us Separate Fund Raising From Revival Meetings In The Church
If you plan to organize a revival meeting in the church, let it be a truly revival meeting. And if you also want to organize a fundraising program for any church project, go for it at a separate time; do not mix the two things. As people attend revival meetings, …
Read More »The Word That Leads To Eternal Salvation (2)
I explained in the Part One that everyone who seeks eternal salvation in Christ Jesus must hear a particular word. Not only must people hear this word, but they must also understand it and have it in their hearts and mouths (Romans 10:8). It is the word of faith, the …
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