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Messages and Teachings

7 Unique Reasons The Words of Christ Jesus Must Be Greatly Preached, Taught, Heard

By James Quansah Christ’s Words Heal  “But the centurion replied, ‘Lord, I am not worthy to have you come under my roof, but only SAY THE WORD, AND MY SERVANT WILL BE HEALED” (Matthew 8: 8). Christ’s Words Set Free “So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, …

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This Is How People Should Regard Pastors

  Pastors are very important leaders in the Church of God. They are the dedicated vessels Christ Jesus uses to build His Church. As facilitators, pastors equip, train, prepare and develop the saints for the work of the ministry, thereby enabling Christians to serve one another with the gifts given …

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A Serious Lesson To All Christians Especially Leaders

By James Quansah IT IS dangerous for a Christian to hear the words of God and disobey them. God is sovereign, and He may take any action that He deems fit to punish any acts of disobedience. When King Saul disobeyed the commands of God, he was rejected from being …

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Your Pastor May Tell You Everything If You Ask Him

By James Quansah GENUINE PASTORS do not set themselves up in the Church. It is God who places them in leadership positions of His Church to fulfill well-defined ministries after calling them.. Very often, when God calls His servants, He speaks to them, spelling out their responsibilities for the fulfillment …

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