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Messages and Teachings

Signs That Show That A Person Is Proud

By God’s Servant, Peter Collins Obeng IN OUR last teaching sessions, we discussed the various symptoms, signs, ideals, behaviours and evidences of pride in our lives regarding the things we do to hurt and destroy our relationship with God and others. In this last part of the series, we wish …

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Key Reasons People Tell Lies And Why God Hates Them

By James Quansah, Pastor HUMAN BEINGS like to tell lies. Even some born again Christians lie whenever they speak. A Christian brother once told me he often told a lie because people loved it than truth. So when someone accuses a neighbour to you, don’t immediately believe it until you …

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The Punishment People Suffer For Committing Sexual Immorality

By James Quansah, Pastor ONE EVIL the devil is aggressively promoting using the media particularly social media is sexual immorality. And undoubtedly this is an evil that has been destroying the lives of perpetrators especially men. Sexual immorality may comprise adultery, fornication, rape, bestiality, incest, sodomy, homosexuality and others. God …

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God Often Promotes His Children When They Pass Tests

By James Quansah, Pastor SO MANY Christians wants to see promotions in their lives but few are determined to pay the price for them. Many do not know that some of the problems or challenges that come into their lives are allowed by God to tests their faith which when …

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