DEDICATE YOUR EFFORT TO THE PREPARATION | Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre


WE HAVE previously discussed that whenever we pray in accordance with God’s will, we must believe in our hearts that we have received what we asked of Him. As we persistently believe by thanking the Father and not asking repeatedly in unbelief, our requests will be granted.

The sad truth is that most Christians rush to their prayer closet to ask instead of going through the process of preparation before they present their petitions. The Church needs to reflect on the Old Testament priests and how they prepared themselves to offer incense, which symbolized the prayer of the saints – Ps. 141:1-2; Rev. 5:8.

The priests created an atmosphere of holiness, purity, cleanliness, respect, and reverence for God by using only the holy incense prepared according to God’s instructions. They put on specific holy garments and washed their hands and feet at the bronze laver before they humbly and reverentially enter the tabernacle to offer the incense with the fire from the altar.

Under the New Covenant, we are all made priests unto God – 1Pet. 2:5; Rev. 1:6. We can, therefore, learn certain principles and lessons from the Old Testament priests’ process of preparation.

We must create our holy incense from the Word of God by feeding on the promises that pertain to our needs and meditating on them until they settle in our hearts.

In approaching the throne of grace, we must come with a clear conscience free from unconfessed sin. Our hearts should not condemn us – 1Jn 3:21-22 ; Ps. 66:18.

Furthermore, we must not hold a grudge against anyone, for unforgiveness unquestionably hinders our prayers – Mk 11:25-26.

We must cast all our cares, anxieties, and worries once and for all on the Lord and learn to yield to the Spirit for Him to infuse our prayers with fervency, making tremendous power available – Phil. 4:6; Jam. 5:16.

As we engage in this  spiritual preparation, we can ask in faith, believe that we have received what we asked of Him, and persist in faith until the answer manifests.

GOD’S servant: Peter Collins Obeng

About James Quansah

James Quansah is the lead pastor of End-Time Christ's Commissioners and Executive Director of Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre. He is also a self-motivated communication and management professional with over 20 years of experience as the Ashanti Regional Editor/Manager of the Daily Guide Newspaper.

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