Do You Agree With Stephen Adom Kyei-Duah On Origin Of God? | Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre
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Do You Agree With Stephen Adom Kyei-Duah On Origin Of God?

Can anyone be knowledgeable enough to explain the origin of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? Does the Bible even state the origin of God?

But Stephen Adom Kyei-Duah, General Overseer of Believers Worship Centre in Ghana  has taught his followers where and how God the Father, God the Word and God the Holy Spirit came from.

CLC has transcribed his teaching which has gone viral on the social media for its readers to critically examine its accuracy or otherwise.

Below are the words of Stephen Adom Kyei-Duah:

“In the beginning, nothing existed. There  was neither the heavens nor the earth. There was no god; no spirit existed. There was neither power nor strength.

There was nothing like the land neither did we have the skies nor heavens anywhere as we see.

However, this is what happened: there were certain things in the form of spiritual beings (some living creatures). They were things which had breath. And they were in the form of creatures.

Among these creatures, one came forth first and searched for another which looked exactly like him, and possessed similar features and characteristics. The two moved to a distant place and found another creature who was like the two of them.

They all had a common mindset and so they teamed up, but the first creature who initiated the union was called God the Father, the second was referred to as God the Word. At that time, there was nothing like the Son.
Even though they were all spirits, the third one was considered holy. So, he was referred to as God the Holy Spirit. These three gods came together to form a being which is God in three persons – the Trinity.

Something extraordinary happened the day they joined their powers together. This is what happened. All the powers of the first God resided in the wind. All the powers of the second God dwelt in water and that of the third one resided in fire.

Therefore, on the day of their unification, wind, water and fire combined, leading to o huge explosive noise which is called thunder storm.”

[Link to an Excerpt of the Video]

By CLC staff writer


About James Quansah

James Quansah is the lead pastor of End-Time Christ's Commissioners and Executive Director of Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre. He is also a self-motivated communication and management professional with over 20 years of experience as the Ashanti Regional Editor/Manager of the Daily Guide Newspaper.

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