Four Important Questions Pastors Must Answer Before They Preach | Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre
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Four Important Questions Pastors Must Answer Before They Preach

Pastor James Quansah Preaching

Nearly all Christian pastors assert that they have been divinely called to preach the gospel, and teach the commands of Jesus Christ to make disciples for Him.

Preaching the message about the death, burial, resurrection and the second coming of Christ demands careful interpretation of scriptures.

Now, a pastor can do this better when he makes time to prepare his message. In this regard, a pastor must pray, study (excavate and dig deeply into) the scriptures with an open mind and be guided by the Holy Spirit.

But in preparing the message, there are important questions pastors must ask themselves and then answer.

First, will we be pleased when another pastor preaches the same message to us?

Second, will we be comfortable and confident preaching the same message to Jesus Christ, our head, surrounded by His holy angels?

Third, will Jesus Christ be pleased to hear such a message? And fourth, will our Saviour preach or teach such a message?

As pastors, we should consider a message from the pulpit to Christians as a message from Christ Jesus, because true ministers speak by the Spirit of Christ.

And a message to Christians should be regarded as a message to Christ’s Body because Christians are the Body of Christ.

Christ is in us, and we are in Him. This means a message from Christ goes to Christ as the Church is one with Christ.

The Church is all about Jesus Christ. It is from Christ and for Christ. It is of Christ and in Christ. The Church is built on Christ and with Christ. It is under Christ. It begins with Christ, ends with Christ and rests with Christ in God the Father.

By James Quansah

Buy James Quansah’s Christ-centred and Gospel-focused books on Amazon today. Click here for your a copy.

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