Giving Is Not A Transactional Act | Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre
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Giving Is Not a Transactional Act

A “transactional act” is an act performed with the expectation of receiving something in return.

It is like a trade or exchange, where the focus shifts to what one can gain rather than giving freely or selflessly as an act of worship, gratitude, and devotion to God.

Many Christians approach giving with a transactional mindset, offering with the expectation of receiving or gaining something in return.

This attitude often stems from how certain scriptures are used to persuade them to give, with promises of financial and material blessings or other favours.

One scripture commonly referenced in this context is Luke 6:38, which speaks of receiving “a good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over.”

However, the core message of this passage in Luke 6:35-38 is about fostering a spirit of generosity and compassion towards others.

God calls us to extend generosity in love, mercy, compassion, and forgiveness to others. The emphasis is not on giving to God in order to receive material or financial blessings.

Similarly, Malachi 3:9-10 has been used to encourage Christians to tithe, urging them to “test or prove” God for abundant blessings.

Yet, under grace, we do not earn blessings through our own efforts or giving. Every blessing, provision, and benefit is graciously rooted in Christ’s finished work.

Sometimes, in our teachings, we reduce God to a deity who must be paid before certain benefits can be obtained from Him.

However, the essence of true giving lies in the understanding that every blessing is accessed through faith, not through the exchange of material goods.

The Church should emphasize a robust faith that works in harmony with love, confession, and endurance to access what is freely and graciously given in Christ. Faith is not isolated.

While I uphold the practice of tithing, the principles of sowing and reaping, and the blessings of giving and receiving, our giving must ultimately flow from a heart driven by faith, inner conviction, and free will.

It is from this understanding that God’s blessings, goodwill, and favour are prompted.

GOD’S servant: Peter Collins Obeng


About James Quansah

James Quansah is the lead pastor of End-Time Christ's Commissioners and Executive Director of Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre. He is also a self-motivated communication and management professional with over 20 years of experience as the Ashanti Regional Editor/Manager of the Daily Guide Newspaper.

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