Great Benefits We Get From Reading The Bible | Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre
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Great Benefits We Get From Reading The Bible

By James Quansah

ONE WAY God wants His children to have knowledge, live a godly life and have success is to READ THE BIBLE and other Christian materials.

We must read them as if the success of our lives depends on gaining knowledge of God. Making time to read is not time-wasting. It’s worth it considering its many benefits.

Reading to know the Bible gives you light. It saves you from deception, Satan and wicked men. It saves you from error and disgrace. It enables you to achieve prosperity or success.

In Matthew 22:29, Jesus accused the Sadducees of erring or making mistakes because they didn’t know the Scriptures.

In fact, it prevents you from going astray or sinning against God and neighbours when it resides in your heart.

The Word of God in your heart helps you to pray according to the will of God.

Reading the Bible and other books as well as articles written by anointed Christians renew your mind.

This should remind us to commit time to reading. Knowing God’s Word prevents you from accusing others ignorantly. It strongly establishes you in the faith.

It is food for the soul. Thus, by it Disciples of Christ grow up into salvation.

Knowing the Bible and acting on what it teaches illuminates and guides us how to live in this world. It’s for this reason the Psalmist points out in Psalm 119:105 that, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”

Moreover, reading and knowing the Bible gladdens your soul. It gives you wisdom. It saves you from eternal death. It helps you to teach/disciple others for the glory of God.

It helps us to view things from God’s perspective, and changes us from one glory to another glory.

Modern Christians, therefore, must, in conclusion, learn from the ancient Berean Christians who personally searched the Scriptures to see if the things their pastors taught them were true (Acts 17:11).

About James Quansah

James Quansah is the lead pastor of End-Time Christ's Commissioners and Executive Director of Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre. He is also a self-motivated communication and management professional with over 20 years of experience as the Ashanti Regional Editor/Manager of the Daily Guide Newspaper.

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