JESUS SAYS ASK WHATEVER YOU DESIRE | Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre
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John 15:7
7 If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, YOU WILL ASK WHAT YOU DESIRE, and it shall be done for you.”

IN THIS ongoing series of “The Joy of Abiding in Christ, we’ve delved into various aspects of remaining connected to Christ – our source of spiritual growth, development, and vitality.

In this teaching, we focus on the significance of abiding in Christ and allowing His Word to dwell in us for us to build an effective prayer life.

One noteworthy observation is that many charismatic believers tend to approach the throne of grace with a single approach to prayer, often characterized by praying in tongues. While this is a powerful and essential form of communion with God, we must understand that where praying in tongues will work, mental prayers, or praying with understanding won’t work. And where mental prayers will work, praying in tongues won’t work.

So as believers, it’s crucial for us to discern when to speak in tongues as we fellowship with our Heavenly Father and when to pray in tongues, allowing the Holy Spirit to intercede in harmony with God’s will.

Furthermore, we should understand when to engage in prayer with a clear understanding of our words and approach the throne of grace with mental prayers.

We must recognize that in Christ, we possess the privilege of asking for our needs to be met. Our Heavenly Father eagerly desires to meet our needs, awaiting our petitions with open arms.

Sadly, there has been a misinterpretation of Ephesians 6:18, which encourages us to “pray always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit.” This verse does not mandate praying every prayer in tongues or solely with the spirit. Rather, it emphasizes praying with the inspiration, guidance, and empowerment of the Holy Spirit, regardless of whether we pray with understanding or in tongues.

Believers, therefore, should prepare their hearts and minds to approach the throne of grace boldly, asking for their desires in Jesus’ Name, aligning their requests with the Father’s will as revealed in His Word. The assurance we hold is that what we ask for shall indeed be done.

On this journey of exploring the profound joy of abiding in Christ, may we grow in our prayer life, finding richness in our communion with our Heavenly Father, and experiencing the joy of having our desires met according to His perfect plan.

GOD’S servant: Peter Collins Obeng

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