By James Quansah, Pastor
HUMAN BEINGS like to tell lies. Even some born again Christians lie whenever they speak. A Christian brother once told me he often told a lie because people loved it than truth. So when someone accuses a neighbour to you, don’t immediately believe it until you hear the neighbour’s side.
God hates lies. Thus, the Bible says, “There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, A LYING TONGUE…a false witness who breathes out LIES…” (Proverbs 6:16-19).
Christians know that God hates lies yet many of us boldly tell lies all the time. There must be REASONS people tell lies, but these reasons expose the liars as dishonest and weak people.
Why People Tell Lies
People may lie for four specific reasons:
Firstly, people lie to seek attention because they lack self-confidence. Secondly, they lie to get benefit, favour or incentive, for example, when being interviewed or writing their CV. Thirdly, they lie to cover their mistakes and fourthly, they lie to rescue friendship or relationship.
However, all the reasons given above show that people lie for one key reason. They lie because of their inability to bear the consequences of telling the truth. This indicates that liars are cowards and fearful people who don’t value honesty.
Why God Hate Liars
You can see that there are genuine reasons God hates a lying tongue, lies or liars. Liars are dishonest people. They are deceptive and destructive. They are cowards. They are fearful. They are fools because they forget that their lies will one day lie to them.
Moreover, liars are divisive. They are troublemakers and rebellious. All liars are ungodly. People who tell lies are friends and children of the devil, the father of all liars (John 8:44). Again, God hates liars because they are eventually exposed and disgraced, thereby dishonouring their names. These are things that the Almighty God will not want to identify with His glorious name.
How To Handle Liars
So, now, how should liars be handled? Never fight or argue with a liar. Leave him alone and learn from the fight between truth and lie. After some time, the fight will end. It is then that you will see the liar exposed and disgraced. The truth is always the winner.
Punishment For Liars
We must also know that liars never escape punishment. They suffer at the hands of fellow men and God. Liars always suffer shame and disgrace, distrust and rejection, curse and eventually eternal damnation in hell fire (Revelation (21:8).
James Quansah is the Executive Director of Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre (CLC) and lead Pastor of End-Time Christ’s Commissioners (ECC), Kumasi, Ghana. James is also a journalist by profession. He is married with four children.