One Thing God Expects All Christians To Do | Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre
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One Thing God Expects All Christians To Do

GOD IS good. He inspired His servants to write His words to teach and guide how His chosen people should live their lives in the world.

God’s words are revealed in the Bible, making the Bible the revelation of God.

The word “Bible” etymologically means the books, referring to the 66 books that constitute the Scriptures written for all disciples of Jesus Christ.

Christians therefore must be studious people who have strong interest in knowing the contents of the books to help them grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ Jesus.

Books are written to be read. Thus, God expects His children to read the Bible. Those who cannot read should seek assistance from those who can.

This is an important thing God expects every believer in the Lord Jesus Christ throughout the world particularly those in Africa to not only do but master.

Those who refuse to read it misses God’s mark or lives below God’s standards. In other words, a Christian who refuses to read God’s Word sins.

A Christian without the knowledge of the Scriptures is a Christian without light and a Christian without light is a blind Christian.

Sadly, this is the situation in which most Christians especially those in Africa find themselves.

Several versions of the Bible in various languages with thousands of inspiring and revealing books and articles authored by Christian scholars and ministers are available, but most believers do not read them.

This is why the ministries of false ministers easily flourish in Africa. This is why they succeed in deceiving and exploiting their followers. And this is why many believers eventually perish because they lacked knowledge.

Even Christian leaders who are considered to be genuine often deny ignorant Christians some rights.

From today, refuse to be an ignorant Christian. Refuse to be a blind Christian. Gain knowledge and light by reading your Bible meditatively and prayerfully. Read books and articles written by anointed ministers of the gospel.

You will be a knowledgeable Christian useful for the Lord Jesus Christ in His vineyard.

By James Quansah

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James Quansah is the Executive Director of Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre (CLC) and lead Pastor of End-Time Christ’s Commissioners (ECC), Kumasi, Ghana. James is also a journalist by profession. He is married with four children.

About James Quansah

James Quansah is the lead pastor of End-Time Christ's Commissioners and Executive Director of Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre. He is also a self-motivated communication and management professional with over 20 years of experience as the Ashanti Regional Editor/Manager of the Daily Guide Newspaper.

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