God gives us His word so that we can learn to do His will on earth. It is for this reason, He sends His messengers to teach and preach His word in every part of the world.
People, therefore, have the responsibility to hear the word of God whenever and wherever it is taught or preached.
Now, hearing the word of God is tantamount to receiving the word of God to dwell in you. It is letting the word become an integral part of you.
However, it is important for everyone who hears God’s word to understand that the word of God is holy. And it is spirit and life (John 6:63).
Obviously, considering the uniqueness of God’s word, James, the apostle, instructs those who desire to receive God’s word to do one important thing: THEY MUST PUT AWAY ALL FILTHINESS AND RAMPANT WICKEDNESS.
“Therefore put away all filthiness and rampant wickedness and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls” (James 1:21).
The apostle instructs that people first put away all filthiness and rampant wickedness that is in their lives – in their minds and hearts.
Here, James simply wants those who wish to receive God’s word to first genuinely repent of their sins and determine by the power of the Holy Spirit to stop sinning.
Today, we have many Christians who do not sincerely receive the word of God that is taught and preached to them. The reason is that they have not truly repented of their sins.
How can so-called believers who deliberately and habitually practise sins including fornication, adultery, stealing, abortion, lying, unforgiveness and drunkenness gladly receive the word of God?
Unrepentant sin opposes the free flow of God’s word in the life of a person. This is why sincere repentance is a very important thing in the salvation process of a sinner.
Hence, Jesus tasks His servants to preach repentance and forgiveness of sins to all nations (Luke 24:46-48).
When we put away sexual immorality, unforgiveness, envy, hatred and other sins, we show that we are ready to receive God’s holy word to be implanted within our hearts to live by and to bear fruit for the glory of God.
In other words, people who are not ready to put away all filthiness and wickedness are not ready to receive the implanted word of God. Consequently, such people may not be saved.
Interestingly, James teaches us how we should receive the word of God after we have repented of our sins and determined not to repeat them.
He says we should receive it with meekness. This means we must hear God’s word with humility and submissiveness for our own salvation.
May we all find reason to put away all filthiness and rampant wickedness to pave way for the free flow of God’s implanted word in our lives.
By James Quansah