Pastor Eastwood Anaba Rebukes His Fellow Pastors For Failing To Consider The Poor | Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre
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Pastor Eastwood Anaba Rebukes His Fellow Pastors For Failing To Consider The Poor

Pastor Eastwood Anaba

Popular preacher of the gospel, Pastor Eastwood Anaba, has in a message which has gone viral on social media, reproved church leaders for neglecting the poor.

CLC transcribed the message which is presented below for its cherished readers for sober reflection, meditation and repentance.

“Pastor, when was the last time you finished preaching and you walked to the back of the auditorium and you looked at a poor person and said how are you? When?

They come to church Sunday after Sunday and the pastor looks like a demigod, standing there and no man can approach him.

They come to church and if they didn’t come  in beautiful car, nobody gives them attention. They come with a pure heart, but because their pocket is empty, nobody gives them attention.

Observe the Messiah, walking through the pages of the New Testament, He is different from any guest speaker you have ever received in a church.

When He got there, I never saw Him once address a rich man except He was telling the rich man to repent.

He didn’t recognize their presence to honour the church. When He entered, a woman bound together for 38 years who couldn’t straighten herself was the one He was looking for.

When He entered, a man with withered hand was what He was looking for to meet his needs.

Whilst today’s preacher is looking for those that are wearing gold, Messiah is looking for those with a golden heart.

Look at you. Even a husband you can’t choose one, because you’re not looking at the heart of the man; you’re looking at his car.

You say as for me I can’t marry a man who has no car. I cannot marry a man who has no house. I cannot marry a man who has no business.

Can you marry me when I have no bed? Can you marry me when I have no land? Can you marry me when I have no ministry? Sister parasite!, can you marry me when I am nothing?

Pastor, will you even make me a prayer warrior if I’m poor? Yes, I’m poor, so I can’t fit into the choir. I’m poor, I can’t be an usher.

I’m telling you the truth about our churches. A poor person cannot stay here because the poor person may not even be able to afford the uniforms. Does it mean the poor can’t sing? The poor cannot be ushers? The poor cannot sit on the front row?

Lord have mercy on a church that has lost their way, has lost the plot and may be on its way to eternal damnation.

Pastor, when was the last time you talked to a poor person in your church? Pastor, when was the last time you held that old lady’s hand and said God is with you? Here is Ghc20; use it to buy food on your way home?

Pastor, when was the last time you paid a child’s school fees? Pastor, when was the last time you saw a poor person and cried?

He (The Lord Jesus) said “I came and died for the poor. I brought the gospel to the poor.”

Pastors have seized the gospel from my hand and given it to the rich. They have given it to those who can pay, and given it to those with whom they could do barter trade.

But Jesus died for the poor. The gospel is therefore preached to the poor. However, preachers of the gospel hijacked the gospel like typical mercenaries who are doing smuggling and they sold it over price to the rich. So the poor man is sitting under the streetlight, no gospel.

Prophets speak like Jeremiah, Prophets speak like Ezekiel, Prophets speak like Isaiah, Prophets speak like Malachi, Prophets speak like Hosea.

Bring us back to the road, because we are lost. Yes, we are lost! We want to be healed, we want to be saved and we want to be delivered.”

Transcribed by CLC Staff writer

About James Quansah

James Quansah is the lead pastor of End-Time Christ's Commissioners and Executive Director of Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre. He is also a self-motivated communication and management professional with over 20 years of experience as the Ashanti Regional Editor/Manager of the Daily Guide Newspaper.

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