People Who Insult, Despise, Betray, Reject And Hurt You The Most | Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre
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People Who Insult, Despise, Betray, Reject And Hurt You The Most

As I read my Bible and learn from the Lord Jesus Christ, I understand what happened between Him and the people He had close and regular contact with.

I learn about events that unfolded between the Lord Jesus and His family, disciples, the religious leaders and the crowds.

I carefully consider these things and relate them with what have happened between me and people I have worked with, walked with, lived with and stayed with, so far.

When Jesus Christ was on earth, He went about doing good: He raised the dead, healed many who were sick, fed multitudes who were hungry, preached the Good News to the poor and forgave sinners (Acts 10:38).

As a merciful, compassionate and loving Saviour, Christ Jesus helped and gave to people He came into contact with especially His people, the Israelites.

Remember that the Father who so loved the world had given Him to it for the salvation of souls from eternal damnation.

In spite of all the good things Jesus Christ did for humanity, He was despised, rejected, betrayed, arrested, insulted, humiliated, mocked, flogged and eventually crucified.

Now, who meted out these awful things to the Lord? Did Christ Jesus deserve to be repaid with evil, considering His great empathetic works?

Well, Jesus did not suffer these things from strangers or foreigners, but the very people He served, helped, blessed, supported and gave to including some of His own siblings and disciples.

People who hurt you the most are those you greatly help and give to. They forget all the good things you have done for them, and use one or two mistakes you have made to attack or destroy you. They do these things simply because they are familiar with you.

Of course, it must be stressed that there are other people, who repay good with good done for them. They are grateful, appreciative and loyal.

However, generally, a person’s greatest and sincere fans, admirers and supporters are often strangers, outsiders or people he may not have had any direct relationship with.

This shows that familiarity is a dangerous thing that makes it difficult if not impossible for some family members, church members, classmates, colleagues, spouses and friends to celebrate their own leaders.

There is no doubt that familiarity breeds contempt, breeds unbelief and makes people take their leaders for granted. Jesus said, “There is no prophet without honour except in his own hometown” (Mark 6:4).

For this reason, many helpers often become discouraged from continuing to give and help. But this is not the right thing to do. Instead, we should learn to brace ourselves for heart-wrenching surprises from people we give to.

Now, in order not to feel disappointed and embittered by the ungratefulness of people, Christ Jesus has, through wisdom, taught His disciples to give and help people in need without expecting anything in return.

“But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return, and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, for he is kind to the ungrateful and the evil” (Matthew 6:35).

That is, as God’s children, we should give and help people, including our enemies, who are in need, without expecting similar benevolent gestures or repayment from them. God is our rewarder who blesses with great rewards.

It is only when we serve with this understanding that we prove to be sons and daughters of our impartial God who is kind to everyone.

By James Quansah

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About James Quansah

James Quansah is the lead pastor of End-Time Christ's Commissioners and Executive Director of Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre. He is also a self-motivated communication and management professional with over 20 years of experience as the Ashanti Regional Editor/Manager of the Daily Guide Newspaper.

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