Should A Church Leader Be Addressed As General Overseer? | Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre
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Should a Church Leader Be Addressed As General Overseer?

As Christians, it is necessary that we question and discuss some controversial practices and traditions in today’s Church in the light of the written Word of God for us to learn, add to knowledge and reform.

Most Pentecostal and Charismatic ministers who have established churches are addressed as General Overseers. Many see nothing wrong with it, but others find fault with it when viewed in the light of Scriptures.

Think about these questions: What is General Overseer? Is it biblical or doctrinally sound to refer it to a church leader? Who, where, when, why and how was it introduced in the Church? Who in the Church, according to Scripture, is best fit to be addressed with this title?

General Overseer refers to someone who has superior rank or takes precedence over other overseers in a church or denomination.

He is the chief or head of all the overseers in a church or denomination, so he recruits, controls, directs, orders and oversees all the affairs of the church.

Now, it is important to emphasize that Scripture makes clear references to Christian leaders as overseers.

“Paul and Timothy, servants of Christ

Jesus, To all the saints in Christ Jesus who are at Philippi, with the OVERSEERS and deacons” (Philippians 1:1).

An overseer, therefore, is a bishop, shepherd or pastor who tends, feeds and cares for God’s children in Christ Jesus. It describes the task of a minister.

However, no servant of God or minister of the gospel was ever called General Overseer in the early Church. This is obviously the reason why the term is not used in Scripture.

Thus, you can see that neither Paul, Peter, James nor any gospel minister who was used to plant churches or mentored other ministers was addressed as General Overseer in the first-century.

In fact, no titles were attached to their names to derive honour from their use. Instead, they were honoured through their labour in the Lord and Christ-like character.

Could it be that they knew who the true General Overseer was. As already indicated, a General Overseer is someone who wields superior authority over other overseers. 

Moreover, scripturally and doctrinally, a General Overseer is someone who makes other overseers and exercises authority over them. 

“Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the HOLY SPIRIT HAS MADE YOU OVERSEERS, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood.

In this context, the Holy Spirit alone fits to be regarded as the General Overseer of a church or denomination where Christ Jesus is exalted and honoured. 

The Spirit of God makes overseers; He does not make General Overseers, because He alone is the General Overseer without rivals or peers.

It is, therefore, unclear who, when, where, why and how the title was introduced in the Church to refer to church leaders. The problem most Pentecostal, Charismatic and other denominations have is their love for worldly systems and practices. 

Perhaps, Gospel ministers saw organizations, institutions and agencies in the world address their top officers as General Managers, General Secretaries or General Officers and thought the same could be applied in Christian churches.

But that is questionable, considering the fact that churches, all over the world, that are built on Christ Jesus belong to God and must be managed by systems, principles, practices and traditions ordained by God.

It, therefore, necessary that emerging church leaders learn and desist from using extra-biblical titles, and rather stick to their ministerial offices and functions.

We must understand that the Holy Spirit appoints overseers in churches, but He does not set General Overseer in any church.

By James Quansah

About James Quansah

James Quansah is the lead pastor of End-Time Christ's Commissioners and Executive Director of Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre. He is also a self-motivated communication and management professional with over 20 years of experience as the Ashanti Regional Editor/Manager of the Daily Guide Newspaper.

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