Speaking By The Holy Spirit, Its Meaning And Application | Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre
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Speaking By The Holy Spirit, Its Meaning And Application

It is important for every Christian to understand that a Church leader may preach or teach the Word of God either by the Spirit of God, spirit of Satan or by his own human spirit.

In this article, I want to focus on speaking by the Holy Spirit of God, with an attempt to explain what it means to speak by Him.

Knowledge of this teaching is intended to guide Christians who seek help in deciding which pastor to follow in today’s complex socio-religious world.

The apostles of the early Church show us from their writings that they spoke by the Holy Spirit. Peter, the apostle, confirms this when he writes:

“…those who PREACHED THE GOOD NEWS TO YOU BY THE HOLY SPIRIT sent from heaven…” (1 Peter 1:12).

Paul also made it clear that Christ spoke through him when he preached the gospel of salvation. Understand that Christ speaking through Paul is tantamount to the Holy Spirit speaking through him.

“…since you seek proof that CHRIST IS SPEAKING IN ME” (2 Corinthians 13:3).

Earlier, in the book of 1 Corinthians, Paul had stated that true ministers speak by the Holy Spirit with a clear proof.

“Therefore I want you to understand that NO ONE SPEAKING IN THE SPIRIT OF GOD ever says Jesus is accursed” (1 Corinthians 12:3).

The King James Version renders it, “Wherefore I give you to understand, that NO MAN SPEAKING BY THE SPIRIT of God calleth Jesus accursed.”

Now, what does it mean to speak “IN THE SPIRIT” or “BY THE SPIRIT?” It means to speak under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

In other words, you speak the words the Spirit of God puts into your mouth. That is, you are influenced or inspired by the Holy Spirit to preach, teach or pray.

Thus, ministers who speak by the Holy Spirit essentially rely on His wisdom, knowledge and guidance which enable them to demonstrate His power (1 Corinthians 2:4).

However, it must be understood that speaking by the Holy Spirit is not just about quoting Scriptures, but about the Spirit guiding the interpretation of God’s Word to build up people spiritually and to form Christ-like character.

Now, it is equally vital to state that a minister’s ability to speak by the Holy Spirit largely depends on the quality time he spends in the Word of Christ, meditate on it day and night and allow the Word to become an integral part of them.

Above all, this is possible when a preacher is genuinely born again to have the Holy Spirit dwelling in them and learn to follow His leadings.

However, today, many Christians are being led astray through uninspired preaching and teaching. Many are adulterated messages inspired by demons.

Such messages are often preached by false prophets and teachers who neither exalt the Lord Jesus Christ nor abide in His sound doctrine.

They never speak about the finished redemptive and restorative work of Christ on the Cross.

In their preaching, they shout at the top of their voices, telling people who even despise the Word of God, “It shall be well with you. No disaster shall come upon you.”

As they say these things they tell their hearers to give money for their prophetic utterances to receive anointing, healing, deliverance and other blessings.

These are doctrinally erroneous practices that Christians need be educated about, cautioned about and warned to flee.

Finally, it is expected that believers themselves study their Bible, pray for discernment and learn to be filled not only with the Holy Spirit but also be led by Him so as to be able to distinguish between true and false pastors.

By James Quansah

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About James Quansah

James Quansah is the lead pastor of End-Time Christ's Commissioners and Executive Director of Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre. He is also a self-motivated communication and management professional with over 20 years of experience as the Ashanti Regional Editor/Manager of the Daily Guide Newspaper.

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