Stand In The Gospel Of Grace | Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre
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Stand In The Gospel Of Grace

“.. . I declare to you the gospel which I preached to you, which also you received and IN WHICH YOU STAND” – 1 CORINTHIANS 15:1

We have stated that for us to remain steadfast and immovable in the true grace of God, we need to know and understand the grace which has come to us through Christ Jesus in this Church age,  the true Gospel of grace which is now revealed to us, and we must avoid the extreme teachings on grace that make the concept unattractive; we must stop mixing the law and grace which has the tendency to remove us from Christ.

The true Gospel of grace that we have to firmly stand in is not a mixture of the law and grace or a mixture of human wisdom and grace. Again, it is not a twisted version of the Gospel of grace.

First and foremost, the true Gospel of the grace of God is about the goodnews of what God did for us in Christ in eternity past before He laid the foundation of this world – Eph.1:3-6;2Ti.1:9. God accomplished this in Christ in accordance with His foreknowledge.

Moreover, the Gospel of the grace of God is about what God did for us in Christ’s redemptive work, and in the new birth experience.

The  Father continues to work in us, work for us and work through us. And in the ages to come He will demonstrate the exceeding greatness of His grace in kindness towards us. At the revelation of Christ, God’s grace will be brought to us, and we will be like His Son – 1Pet. 1:13;1Jn 3:2

The Gospel of grace thus reveals all that we have become in Christ, inherited in Him, our strategic position in Him, and what we can do through Him.

GOD’S servant:Peter Collins Obeng

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  1. Bright Williams

    The grace still abounds. The Lord is our helper

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