Stubborn Christians | Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre
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Stubborn Christians

“BUT THEY refused to pay attention, stubbornly they turned their backs and covered their ears. They made their hearts as hard as flint and would not listen to the law or to the words the LORD Almighty had sent by his Spirit through the earlier prophets. So the LORD Almighty was very angry” (Zechariah 7:11-12).

We put on our best clothes to attend church meetings on Sundays and Saturdays. During praise and worship, we do all kinds of dance moves to thank God and express our gratitude to Him for His blessings, protection and guidance. Some dance to tease their so-called enemies or rivals while others do so to be noticed by their spouses or partners.

Many sit down to hear the Word of God preached and taught to them. And we pray everywhere with all prayer. The problem, however, is that the majority of us Christians refuse to do and obey the commands of God. We are very stubborn Christians with hardened hearts.  We disobey the holy commands of our God.

We behave the same way the congregation of Israel behaved toward the Word of God in the days of the early prophets. They would not gladly believe in God with all their hearts and obey His instructions even after seeing His great miraculous signs and wonders.

The people of Israel may not be blamed that much because they were not born again believers as Christians are. We are born again and so we have the Holy Spirit dwelling in our hearts; He helps us to obey God’s Word and bear the fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, fruitfulness, gentleness and self-control which form our Christ-like character.

Now, if we claim to have been translated from the kingdom of darkness into God’s glorious kingdom of light, thus qualifying us to be the light of the world, why then do we continue to be habitually stubborn and disobedient?

John, the apostle, wrote that the commandments of God are not burdensome for Christians (1 John 5: 3). Why then is it difficult for us to gladly do, obey and act the Word of God? Should it be taken that we are not sincerely born again or that we are simply stubborn and disobedient people?

You may ask: in what ways are we stubborn and disobedient? Firstly, has not our holy God commanded us not to indulge in sexual immorality? Yet, the majority of us do not obey Him. We commit adultery, fornication, incest, sodomy and even bestiality.

We also watch pornographic materials; indulge in lasciviousness, and engage in lustful conversations. Today, sexual relationships involving unmarried people seem to be sinless. It appears there is no fear of God in us anymore.

Secondly, we are commanded to forgive and love one another, but we refuse to forgive those who offend us and let go of the hurt. We habour bitterness and anger against God’s commands.

Thirdly, many pastors today do not obey the instructions of the Lord Jesus Christ to teach believers HIS COMMANDS (Matthew 28: 19- 20). They do their own things. Some teach accounting principles, psychological keys and motivational rules with little commands of Jesus Christ to spice them up.

They claim they want their members to prosper financially. Others tell stories about popular biblical characters like David, Job, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to excite people. They deceive unsuspecting believers with empty words.

However, there are a number of honest pastors who humbly obey the Lord; they win souls, baptize and teach them the doctrines and precepts of Jesus Christ. They preach the full gospel with an innate desire to get the flock under them to first know and grow in Christ, guide them to prosper financially and be in good health. Their primary purpose in ministry is to present believers mature in Christ on the last day.

Fourthly, Christ’s servants are instructed to, “Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, cast out demons. You received without paying; give without pay (Matthew 10: 8)? But what do we see and hear about this today? We see and hear ministers charging believers all manner of fees?

At a revival service in Kumasi, a few years ago, an Apostle ordered a sick person to pay Ghȼ5000 before he could pray for him. Was that not a rebellious act committed by a stubborn minister?

Finally, we are expected to read and meditate in the Word of God, but we disregard all of these things. You agree with me that we are very stubborn Christians. Stubbornness opens us up for satanic attacks and prevents our prayers from being heard.

It is high time all of us Christians repented of our stubbornness, pleaded God’s mercy and the blood of Jesus Christ in solemn prayers and return to Him with a renewed commitment.

By James Quansah

Thank you for reading. You may support this ministry financially by sending your donation to MTN MERCHANT ID: 951275 or MOBILE MONEY NUMBER: 05301659. God bless you.

James Quansah is the Executive Director of Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre (CLC) and lead Pastor of End-Time Christ’s Commissioners (ECC), Kumasi, Ghana. James is also a journalist by profession. He is married with four children.

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  1. Powerful word, indeed we must repent of our stubborn ways and realign with Christ our first love. Thank you Pastor

  2. Samuel Sarfo Antwi

    The apostle who charged may not be charging but it may depend how the people came with the request to pray for because sometimes is the people that pushes pastors to do certain things and say it in otherwise without the exact details

    • You are right my brother. But in this case, the Apostle demanded that the sick man pay the money before he could offer a prayer of healing for him.

  3. Samuel Sarfo Antwi

    I encounter one situation a guy and family came to me for prayer because of serious illness and they were demanding me to pray and charge them of any amount which they were ready to pay but when I begin to meditate to through the problem the spirit of God to try told me the guy will die irrespective of who pray for,so I asked them the only thing I could do is to lead the guy to Christ by helping him pray the sinners prayers but I saw the family were offend of what I said and they took the guy out n plan to go to see another pastor who will charge them n heals the brother but unfortunately that night the guy Died and couldn’t see the next day they were waiting

  4. Samuel Sarfo Antwi

    [You see if I was not lead I could have taken the money n pray keep quiet for the guy to go n die
    The problem is not the pastors but some of the christians are smart and wicked

  5. Samuel Sarfo Antwi

    They only show up to pastors when they are of high problem
    That’s why people travel to far country for solution not thinking even over the pastor shepherding him or her

  6. Samuel Sarfo Antwi

    Some pastors trying to help people solve their problems ended up in problem And later have been accused wrongfully
    In this mordern day Christianity not everyone going to church is saved some are smart and wicked people
    They come and tempt pastors
    So we need more prayers as pastors for vigilancy to expect troubles
    Jesus said when we pray we should say deliver us from temptation
    That’s my prayer all time for all pastors

  7. Emmanuel Wireko-Brobby

    Hmm, let’s not forget about Revelation 21:8
    God Bless you man of God

  8. Thanks daddy for the words of God blessing. May God forgive, heals, soften our heart, open our eyes, ears and shows us mercy to worship and obey his commands🙏🙏🙏🙏

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