Study To Identify False Men Of God | Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre
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Study to Identify False Men of God


The one major problem facing the Church today is the proliferation of fake men of God in the pulpits. They also call themselves apostles, bishops, prophets and other revered titles and oversee churches.

This makes it very difficult for ignorant, immature and unsuspecting Christian believers to identify and distance themselves from them.

However, mature Christians who are knowledgeable, examine their works in the light of the written Word of God and easily expose them as heretics and charlatans.

False men of God have not encountered Christ Jesus and they do not understand the gospel of the kingdom of God. Thus, they do not preach the Good News for the salvation of souls. They usually preach motivational and prosperity messages.

It is, therefore, important for every Christian to test and identify the spirit of truth and the spirit of error operating among men of God today. Unless we test them, we may not know the sound doctrine to accept or genuine man of God to follow or listen to.

But then again unless the believer knows the Word very well, it may be difficult for him to test them. This is why we must all devote quality time to read the Bible daily.

Now, if an apostle does not clearly understand the gospel, how can he expound sound doctrine of Christ to break new ground grounds, pioneer new works and guard the Church?

If a prophet has not experienced recreation in Christ Jesus through the supernatural touch of the Holy Spirit, how can he speak for God to guide the flock in order for them to do the will of God?

Moreover, if an evangelist does not understand the purpose of the death, burial and resurrection of Christ Jesus how can he preach the gospel to make disciples of nations to grow the Church of God?

If a pastor does not love the Lord Jesus more than anything and everything else, how can he tend and feed the Church with Holy Spirit-inspired messages to govern its affairs?

And if a teacher does not know that the entire Bible is a book written about Christ Jesus, how can he make the teaching about Jesus a priority in order to ground the Church in faith.

Thus, the Bible implores believers “to test all things; hold fast what is good” (1 Thessalonians 5:21). Paul said, we should, “test all things” but John said, we should, “test the spirits” (1 John 4:1, NIV).

How are we to test them? As Christians, we should examine every teaching and practice men of God project in the light of the written Word of God.

Indeed, there are thugs in the pulpit today just as it was in the days of old. A thug is a gangster or a violent criminal. Thugs in the church are false men of God who are in bed with the devil; most of them operate under witchcraft.

They appear as angels of light, but inwardly they are wolves, destroying the faith of many immature believers. They lead many people astray through their false teachings, false prophesies and miraculous signs.

By James Quansah


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About James Quansah

James Quansah is the lead pastor of End-Time Christ's Commissioners and Executive Director of Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre. He is also a self-motivated communication and management professional with over 20 years of experience as the Ashanti Regional Editor/Manager of the Daily Guide Newspaper.

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