Take Care Of Praise And Worship Team | Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre
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Take Care of Praise and Worship Team

MOST CHRISTIAN churches have praise and worship team. This is very common among Pentecostal and Charismatic churches.

A church’s Praise and Worship Team plays very important roles in the advancement of the gospel and the growth of the church. Members of the team including singers, engineers and instrumentalists are ministers because they serve both God and people.

Their ministry educates us about the gospel of Christ, inspires us to pray and even prophesy, inspires us to glorify and adore God, connects us emotionally, moves us to dance to the glory of the Father, encourages us to endure trials and relaxes our soul and body.

Considering these great benefits, some lead pastors pay greater attention to the welfare of the team; they pray for them, motivate and take very good care of them with periodic financial support. In fact, those who have given themselves wholly to the ministry should be given monthly financial support.

Pastors who do not pay attention to the ministry of the music department ought to see the need to repent. Indeed, music plays an important role in church growth.

Thus, praise and worship to God must be special, excellent, dignified and above all Holy Spirit-inspired.

However, some pastors think getting some boys to play musical instruments for the congregants to dance, jump about and throw their hands into the air is an act of spiritual worship.

But a pure Christian music should not entertain people to dance to show off and misbehave. It should glorify and honour God; it must reverence and exalt Him.

Music in a church should be seen as an important act of worship that invokes the glory and anointing of God to break yokes. ‘Pastor’ Jehoshaphat knew that pure godly music was a strong weapon against enemies.

“And when he had taken counsel with the people, he (Jehoshaphat) appointed THOSE WHO WERE TO SING TO THE LORD and praise him in holy attire, as they went before the army…And when they began to sing and praise, the LORD set an ambush against the men of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir, who had come against Judah, so that they were routed (2 Chronicles 20: 21- 22, ESV).

‘Jehoshaphat scanned through the congregation and carefully appointed those who were holy and filled with the Holy Spirit to sing to the LORD. And as they sang and praised, the LORD arose and fought for His people, crushing their enemies.

There is power in true spiritual music. God manifests His glory in it. Space will not permit me to write about how David ministered music to deliver King Saul of a spiritual attack (1 Samuel 16:22-23).

Elisha, the prophet, also needed music to create an anointed atmosphere to prophesy (2 Kings 3:15-16).

These show how important godly music is in the church. Jesus Christ himself and His disciples sang a hymn (Matthew 26:30). A hymn is simply a song.

May the Lord God help the end-time churches to offer acceptable praise and worship in Spirit and truth. Amen,

By James Quansah

Pastor, End-Time Christ’s Commissioners

Executive Director, Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre

About James Quansah

James Quansah is the lead pastor of End-Time Christ's Commissioners and Executive Director of Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre. He is also a self-motivated communication and management professional with over 20 years of experience as the Ashanti Regional Editor/Manager of the Daily Guide Newspaper.

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