The Central Message Of God’s Kingdom Given To Church Leaders To Preach    | Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre
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The Central Message of God’s Kingdom Given to Church Leaders to Preach   

Jesus Christ is the King of kings who has an eternal Kingdom which is not of this world. It is a matchless and glorious heavenly Kingdom.

This Kingdom of God has a message which His faithful servants chosen and appointed in the world are instructed to preach and teach to save people who labour and are heavy laden to find rest for their souls (Matthew 11:28-29).

The message of the Kingdom is a message that points to the King. This is because the King and His Kingdom are one.

The message of the Kingdom of God is the detailed and accurate communication of the life story of Christ Jesus particularly, regarding His death, burial and resurrection.

In this context, the gospel of Christ Jesus, is the central message given to the Lord’s servants everywhere to preach and teach.

It is, however, sad that, today, many church leaders think they have the freedom to do and teach whatever they like especially motivational and prosperity messages. They do not know their holy, high and heavenly assignment.

In fact, a call to Christian ministry is a call to stewardship and accountability. Christ is the caller, who appoints and places His ministers in various ministries, according to His will.

Throughout generations, God’s servants have always preached and taught about messages God gave them. God does not call a person to be His messenger or minister without giving him a message they must preach or teach.

God gives specific messages to everyone He calls. Thus, a messenger of God and his message are inseparable. A minister of God is mostly known for the messages he preaches and teaches.

The foundational apostles of Christ stuck to the message they were given to preach and teach. They taught and preached about only what Christ commanded them to.

Thus, they were not interested in any other message except the doctrines of Christ. In fact, they preached and taught about the gospel of the Kingdom of God just as Christ had commanded them (Matthew 24:14).

We can talk about the messages Wesley, Spurgeon, Knox and others preached, but one thing remains that true ministers of God preach the Good News of the Kingdom which points to Jesus Christ.

They do not preach and teach what they like as we hear many do these last days. When ministers preach and teach about what they like or what the people will like to hear, they lead believers astray.

We live in the last days, awaiting the return of Jesus Christ. These are the days Christians must be greatly informed about the traits of true ministers so they can make better choices of pastors they wish to follow.

One way we may know true servants of Christ is the message they preach and teach about – the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Therefore, we should not follow church leaders blindly. We should not follow a pastor simply based on his bodily stature, oratory skills, seminary training, priestly garment or titles.

A servant of Christ follows Christ; he is Christ-centred and gospel-focused. So, choose a minister who follows Jesus Christ. Choose a pastor with Christ in mind. Choose a pastor with eternity in mind and choose a pastor with the salvation of your soul in mind.

By James Quansah

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About James Quansah

James Quansah is the lead pastor of End-Time Christ's Commissioners and Executive Director of Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre. He is also a self-motivated communication and management professional with over 20 years of experience as the Ashanti Regional Editor/Manager of the Daily Guide Newspaper.

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