THE POWER OF GOD WHICH SAVES US | Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre
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By Peter Collins Obeng, God’s Servant

We established in a previous teaching that the chosen instrument God uses in freeing and liberating humanity from error, ignorance, the power of Satan and sin is the Gospel of God’s grace. The Gospel of God’s grace is the power of God which transforms, builds up, empowers, establishes and confirms people.

Again, we nentioned that the Church needs to know and understand this Gospel which God conceived and hid in Himself. It was God’s wisdom or purpose which He ordained for our glory, and was carried out by Jesus Christ in His redemptive work. Then the Father revealed this Gospel to the Church through Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit – Gal. 1:11,12; Eph. 3:3-5. The epistles thus contain the details of this Gospel, and reveal to us all that God has accomplished for us in Christ from eternity past to what He intends doing for us even at the revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The reality is: we have been saved by grace through faith, and the Father has transferred us into the Kingdom of His Son. Most of us know about this past stage of salvation which includes our deliverance from the control and the dominion of darkness and sin.  However, we are ignorant of the present stage of salvation and God’s power which guarantees and promotes this in our lives.

Believers must recognize that THEY ARE BEING SAVED, and the power of God which accomplishes this is the Gospel of grace – Rom.1:16;1Cor.1:18.

The Gospel of grace is God’s power which saves, heals, protects, preserves, delivers, guards and keeps us. It  empowers us to live victoriously in this life until the appearing of Christ for the future salvation to be revealed. Then we will be delivered from God’s wrath to enter into His eternal glory and presence.

The Church must know about the past, present and future tenses of salvation, or the past, present and future stages of salvation as revealed in scripture -1Pet. 1:3-5.

One major reason many Christians are not able to rule and reign in life through Christ is because the true Gospel of grace is not properly and effectively preached or taught in our churches. God’s power that strengthens, establishes and builds up believers is the Gospel of grace, and not religious practices, human traditions and wisdom of men.

The Church must understand that the Gospel of grace carries God’s power, but it can only perform its work in us when we believe, accept and welcome it in us. The Word must find its place in our hearts for it to exercise its inherent, supernatural and saving power in our lives – 1Thes. 2:13.

We cannot continue to be like the Jews who were delivered from Egypt, got to  the boarders of their inheritance, but most of them could not cross over to possess the Promised Land because of unbelief. Their inheritance represents to us our spiritual inheritance in Christ – the fullness of the believer’s blessings in Him.

Today, as we step out by faith and accept the Word of His grace which gives us inheritance, we will experience and enjoy the salvation we have in Christ and enter into His rest.

About James Quansah

James Quansah is the lead pastor of End-Time Christ's Commissioners and Executive Director of Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre. He is also a self-motivated communication and management professional with over 20 years of experience as the Ashanti Regional Editor/Manager of the Daily Guide Newspaper.

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