This Is What Christians Must Do To Guard Against Lies, Deceptions & Exploitations | Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre
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This is What Christians Must Do to Guard Against Lies, Deceptions & Exploitations

LAWLESSNESS IS increasing daily in many parts of the world. Unnatural sexual acts: incest, homosexuality, lesbianism and pornography and bestiality (humans having sex with dogs, pigs, donkeys and other animals) are being legalized in several countries.

And daring false prophets and false teachers are sneaking into the church to exploit and lead astray ignorant believers. In spite of the laudable scientific strides, the world is sinking into a ditch.

The situation calls for a deeper reflection; it calls for critical examination of how many preachers have relaxed the preaching of the truth of the gospel thereby exposing believers to lies of false prophets and teachers. Today, in Ghana and many parts of the world, the majority of Christians are confused about biblical realities.

The solution lies in the knowledge of the truth of the Word of God. The time for Christians to study the Bible is now. The time for the church to stop unnecessary showmanship and get grounded and rooted in the Bible is now. It should be made clear without fear that the Bible was not written for the Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers only. It is for all believers in Christ to read, study, meditate in it and do it.

But I must make it clear that even though the Bible can be read by all men, women and children, it cannot be understood by everyone. The natural mind, that is, one that is not spiritually recreated by the Spirit of God cannot understand it.

This is why I insist that the Bible should not be read and have its contents analyzed like a textbook or thesis. A person who reads the Bible without being carried along by the Spirit of God, who inspired its writing will only become a philosopher; they cannot discern its truth. God is a Spirit and His projects must be carried out by His Spirit.

The one major problem facing the church in Ghana and other African countries is the proliferation of false prophets and teachers. This problem has triggered discussions among several leaders of churches, institutions and organizations, who have been asking the government to intervene.

Others have been speaking to expose the charlatans. All these are steps in the right direction, but are they sound biblical steps to deal with the problem?

Well, I am convinced that the best way for Christians to guard against the lies, deceptions and exploitations of false prophets and teachers is to know the truth of the Word for themselves. Because unless a believer studies the Bible and becomes familiar with the truth of how and what Christ and the early Apostles ministered as recorded in the Bible they will be vulnerable to the manipulations of fraudsters.

Unless you study the Bible, you will never know that you are not required to pay money for consultations, healing, prayers and deliverance. Also, you are not required to give offering under compulsion, coercion or trickery.

Unless you are scripturally informed you will never know that a pastor has no duty to bath you anywhere. Knowledge in the Word of God helps us to understand that a servant of Christ does not give lotto numbers and direct his congregants to whip the devil.

A believer who is grounded in the Word of grace knows how to exercise faith through love, prayer, fasting and patience to overcome life’s challenges which Satan throws at them. But the ignorant rushes to the charlatans for a quick fix and they end up being led astray, exploited and wounded.

It is no wonder it is written in Hosea 4: 6 that “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” So, now, how can today’s believers know the truth of the Word and avoid falling prey to the wolves dressed in clerical collars? Knowledge and obedience of the Word is the answer. Firstly, believers should study the Bible themselves as Paul instructed Timothy…. (2 Timothy 2:15).

And they should be taught the Word by others. Jesus Himself came to teach others, and when they were matured and empowered by the Holy Spirit they began to teach others to teach others Eph. 4: 11: 15, Acts 2: 42- 45, Acts 19: 1, 8- 10)

A person who claims to be a Christian and refuses to study the Bible, mediate in it and learn to live, act and do what it teaches but frequent prayers centres to find solutions to their problems is a baby or false Christian. They follow Christ Jesus for His provisions but not His person.

By James Quansah

Thank you for reading. You may support this ministry financially by sending your donation to MTN MERCHANT ID: 951275 or MOBILE MONEY NUMBER: 05301659. God bless you.

James Quansah is the Executive Director of Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre (CLC) and lead Pastor of End-Time Christ’s Commissioners (ECC), Kumasi, Ghana. James is also a journalist by profession. He is married with four children.

About James Quansah

James Quansah is the lead pastor of End-Time Christ's Commissioners and Executive Director of Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre. He is also a self-motivated communication and management professional with over 20 years of experience as the Ashanti Regional Editor/Manager of the Daily Guide Newspaper.

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