The Church is both a divine organism and a divine organisation with parts and it exists as a unit equipped to do the work God gave it.
For the Church to do the work of God to achieve its vision or objectives, it needs workers such as deacons/deaconesses, singers/instrumentalists, ushers/protocol officers, janitors, Sunday school teachers, intercessors and others.
But it is improper for these leading workers to work without being given relevant knowledge and skills.
Thus, church workers must be properly trained, equipped and prepared to understand their work, its qualifications, functions, challenges and rewards.
By training them the workers will receive personal development. They will also be loyal, dedicated and committed to God, the Church and their Pastor. In fact, they will be effective and efficient.
C.LC. has highly qualified team of anointed professionals and ministers who are zealous to offer the necessary training to help build the capacity of your church workers.
Indeed, the Church of God must be built and advanced. The Church of Christ Jesus must progress.
So, invite the C.L.C. team today to help equip your church workers.
Contact: 0530 165 889
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://clcgh.org