Two Forms Of Christianity Being Practised Today - Revealed Christianity (1) | Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre
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Two Forms Of Christianity Being Practised Today – Revealed Christianity (1)

“Many people are deceived to practise Christianity which is acquired on earth instead of the one revealed from heaven”

The quotation above is a direct word I received from the Holy Spirit months ago after hours of prayers.

From it one can see two forms of Christianity being practised on earth today. The first form is the one which was revealed straight from heaven and the second is the one which is acquired on earth.

The first form of Christinity is the one found in the Bible. It is the one which the early believers practised for many years by following the teachings of Christ Jesus and the foundational ministers of the gospel by the leading of the Holy Spirit alone.

As the Early Church spread to Antioch, an ancient city which is currently called Antakya in southern Turkey, the term Christian was first used to refer to the followers of Christ (Acts 11:26).

Before then, the disciples of Christ were described as belonging to The Way (Acts 9:2) or the Sects of Nazarene (Acts 24:5).

The disciples, whether Jews or Gentiles, who followed Christ and practised His teachings never celebrated festivals such as Christmas or Easter.

They understood that Christians celebrated the birth and resurrection of Christ Jesus any time the gospel was preached.

To them, they celebrated Christ every day as they preached about Christ Jesus everyday thereby making Him known.

Members of the Early Church also never addressed any of their ministers as Reverend,  Archbishop, Pope or Cardinal.

They never wore clerical collar, never wore any special priestly garments, pectoral crosses (chains) & rings to clericalise the Church or create divisions thereby making some of them first class Christians called clergy and second class Christians called laity.

Also, they never held vigil for the dead because they did not believe in purgatory and they never administered the marital vows which are done today for married couples.

The Master, the Lord Jesus Christ, who called and commissioned them, having given them gifts never charged them to do any of the things aforementioned for their special recognition and exclusive self-exaltation and self-glorification. So they never did those things.

Those ministers including Peter, Philip, Paul, Timothy and Stephen were simply used by the Spirit of Christ to preach the gospel to make disciples, baptize believers, heal the sick, perform miracles, fellowship, break bread, teach, fast, pray and give to the poor.

These may be described as the traditions of the then church.

To be continued….See Part 2 

By James Quansah

About James Quansah

James Quansah is the lead pastor of End-Time Christ's Commissioners and Executive Director of Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre. He is also a self-motivated communication and management professional with over 20 years of experience as the Ashanti Regional Editor/Manager of the Daily Guide Newspaper.

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