Two Groups Of Christians Everyone Must Know | Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre
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Two Groups of Christians Everyone Must Know

Today’s Christians may be grouped into two. There are those who are born again or regenerate believers and those who are unregenerate (not born again) believers. They are all generally referred to as Christians and for that matter children of God.

But there is a difference between them. The born again believer has been sealed or marked by God for the day of redemption. The day of redemption is the day true Christians will receive their resurrected bodies or glorified bodies.

This is why the Bible says: “And do not grief the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were SEALED FOR THE DAY OF REDEMPTION” (Ephesians 4:30).

But the one who is not born again is without the seal of the Spirit. It is important to explain that the seal is not something physical that you can see with your physical eyes. It is a spiritual thing.

The unregenerate believer, on the other hand, may be described as a religious person. A religious person just professes God by following rules of religion without having the Holy Spirit in their heart.

Such a person has not been adopted by the Holy Spirit. He may not have sincerely received the gospel of the Lord Jesus in his heart. He may attend church meetings regularly, pray, fast, give offerings and participate in all church activities without being inspired by the Holy Spirit.

However, the regenerate believer who is the Spirit-born Christian is a true child of God because he has his spirit united with the Holy Spirit. I mean, his spirit has been recreated by the Spirit of Christ thereby reconciling him to God.

The truly born again or regenerate believer attends church meetings regularly, prays, fasts, gives offerings and participates in all church activities under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit who lives in his heart.

Only believers who are truly born again have the seal of the Holy Spirit, making them true Christians.

By James Quansah

About James Quansah

James Quansah is the lead pastor of End-Time Christ's Commissioners and Executive Director of Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre. He is also a self-motivated communication and management professional with over 20 years of experience as the Ashanti Regional Editor/Manager of the Daily Guide Newspaper.

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