Embracing Christ-Centered Leadership: Journey With CLC | Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre
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Embracing Christ-Centered Leadership: Journey with CLC


We welcome you to C.L.C. an organisation and place where Christ is exalted and His disciples are encouraged to develop Christ consciousness and character for ministry.

The Lord Jesus C hrist is the  Supreme builder of His Church, His body. He builds the Church upon Himself, about Himself and through Himself for the glory of the Father.

However, our Saviour does not build His Church alone; He needs men and women as His co-workers to build it. It seems without humans the Lord will not build His Church Thus, Jesus Christ appoints people as under-shepherds to participate in His ministry by serving God and humanity.

CL.C, therefore, regards all ministers of the Gospel as indispensable vessels through whom Christ Jesus builds His Church.

However, a minister’s capacity and ability to serve may weaken as a result of several factors including failure to study or learn continuously. It has been observed that most Christians particularly leaders stop paying attention to serious learning after graduating from seminaries or Bible Colleges. Often, they think that they have acquired enough theological knowledge to offer effective ministry.

Many forget that a call to christian servant-leadership is a call to continuous learning as life on earth is a continuous process with new revelation of knowledge, insights and understanding.

One thing which must be understood is that leaders learn and learners lead. A break in learning is a break in leading. A desire to help ministers to continue to learn and study especially the Bible and contemporary issues in ministry inspired the birth of CLC to offer relevant theological sandwich or refresher training programmes to sharpen the ministerial skills of Christian leaders in Chana and beyond.

Now, there are various subjects a Christian leader may learn in order to lead and prove himself or herself to be a loyal servant-leader. But among all the subjects, the Lord Jesus Christ presents Himself as the most important subject for His ministers to learn in order to develop good character to lead others successfully (Matt. 11:29).

A partnership or friendship with CL.C, therefore, is a partnership for education and training to build the capacity of Christian leaders for effective ministry. It is also a relationship to develop Christ-consciousness.

On the basis of this truth, I welcome you to Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre.

Thank you.

James Quansah, Pastor
(Executive Director)


Books written by James Quansah, available on Amazon. Click here to explore more.

About James Quansah

James Quansah is the lead pastor of End-Time Christ's Commissioners and Executive Director of Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre. He is also a self-motivated communication and management professional with over 20 years of experience as the Ashanti Regional Editor/Manager of the Daily Guide Newspaper.

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