When People Leave You As A Leader (Part 2) | Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre
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When People Leave You As a Leader (Part 2)

Let us begin the Part Two by stating that all leaders were once followers . It is not possible to be a leader without first being a follower.

This is one basic truth most followers overlook. Today’s leaders in all circles of life whether political, traditional, religious or corporate served as followers earlier in their lives.

It is impossible to be a leader without first being a follower of a sort. Many followers wrongly assume that the leader they follow emerged from nowhere. That is a fallacy. All good leaders today were good followers yesterday.

However, it is not followers who determine a leader. Many followers may withdraw from a leader, but he will always prove to be a leader. It is also not always the case that once you have followers then you are a leader. You can be a alone and still be a leader at a defining moment.

Most leaders who lack this knowledge break down when their followers turn their back on them. This is where real leaders are born; that is, when everyone has left you and you are all by yourself pondering the vision.

Illustratively,  the call of Moses on those who were on the Lord’s side  was a big surprise (Exodus 32). They were people of God, but the majority of them were not on the side of God. Does it mean that God was not a leader?

In 1 Samuel Chapter 8 , the nation Israel rejected the leadership of God and wanted to be like other nations. It is at this point that leaders have to rise above this attitude of followers.

Followers will at a point leave a leader and it doesn’t mean that that person is not a leader. When we study the Bible, we will realise that:

Adam and Eve left God in the garden of Eden (Gen. 3:10).

Lot left Abraham ( Gen. 13:14).

Hobab left Moses though an In-Law  ( Numbers 10:29-32).

The people left David and planned evil  (1 Samuel 30:6).

The Multitudes left Jesus (John 6:66).

Demas left Paul (2 Timothy 4:16).

Julius Caesar was assassinated when many were not on his side, but today history proves that he was one of the greatest leaders of all time.

Leaders are not to be seen as leaders by how many followers they have, but by how much exploits and impact and legacy they left in the footprint of time.

God will not judge a leader by his followers, but by his influence on generation and generations unborn.

Leaders are visionary and visions transcend time and space. The time has come that we redefine leadership to followers by the divine  perspective .

By Aps. A.B Prince

About James Quansah

James Quansah is the lead pastor of End-Time Christ's Commissioners and Executive Director of Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre. He is also a self-motivated communication and management professional with over 20 years of experience as the Ashanti Regional Editor/Manager of the Daily Guide Newspaper.

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