He was conceived extraordinarily.
He received no formal rabbinical college education yet doctors of the law marveled at His wisdom.
John the Baptist would not baptise Him because of His greatness.
He was tempted in every way yet He never sinned.
No man ever spoke like Him.
He knows all men and what is in men.
He is the way, the truth and the life.
He is the source of faith.
He has words of eternal life.
Words from His mouth forced demons out of people.
He could lay down His life and take it up again.
He has power to give life.
When He suffered He never threatened.
He has power to forgive sins.
The dead returns to life at His words.
He was young yet existed long before Abraham was born.
He often spoke in parables.
He is the life of the Church.
He alone anoints believers with the Holy Spirit.
All power and authority in heaven and on earth are His.
Storms and winds obey Him.
All the fullness of the Godhead dwells in Him bodily.
He lives forevermore.
He is the first and the last.
And He is God.
Who is He?By James Quansah
He received no formal rabbinical college education yet doctors of the law marveled at His wisdom.
John the Baptist would not baptise Him because of His greatness.
He was tempted in every way yet He never sinned.
No man ever spoke like Him.
He knows all men and what is in men.
He is the way, the truth and the life.
He is the source of faith.
He has words of eternal life.
Words from His mouth forced demons out of people.
He could lay down His life and take it up again.
He has power to give life.
When He suffered He never threatened.
He has power to forgive sins.
The dead returns to life at His words.
He was young yet existed long before Abraham was born.
He often spoke in parables.
He is the life of the Church.
He alone anoints believers with the Holy Spirit.
All power and authority in heaven and on earth are His.
Storms and winds obey Him.
All the fullness of the Godhead dwells in Him bodily.
He lives forevermore.
He is the first and the last.
And He is God.
Who is He?By James Quansah