In our previous teaching, we established that true giving which is driven by faith, inner conviction, or free will, comes from the heart.
This kind of giving is more than just an act—it is a significant and joyful expression of worship. Whether it’s our time, talents, gifts, sacrifices, or finances, true giving reflects our devotion to God.
True giving rises before God as a sweet-smelling aroma, drawing His attention and response.
This is why believers who give genuinely experience God’s blessings, favour, and goodwill in their lives.
Such giving not only invites God’s blessings but also deepens our relationship with Him.
For example, Noah built an altar to the LORD and offered burnt offerings in gratitude for God’s faithfulness and mercy in preserving his family.
His offering rose as a sweet-smelling aroma, and God responded with covenantal promises, including blessings for Noah’s family (Gen. 8:15-23; 9:1).
Similarly, when Apostle Paul was in prison, the Philippians sent him a financial gift through Epaphroditus.
Paul acknowledged their support in his letter, describing their gifts as “a sweet-smelling aroma, acceptable and well-pleasing to God.”
He assured them that God would, in turn, supply all their needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus (Phil. 4:17-19).
The Bible makes it clear that true acts of giving, which elicit God’s blessings, ascend as a sweet-smelling aroma, pleasing and acceptable to Him.
It is essential for us to understand that giving, in a way that touches God’s heart and prompts His response, must always originate from the believer’s heart.
Worship that God, who is Spirit, accepts must be offered in spirit (2 Cor. 9:7; Jn. 4:21-24).
GOD’S servant: Peter Collins Obeng