4 Things Christians Must Know About Enemies Of The Cross Of Christ | Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre
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4 Things Christians Must Know About Enemies Of The Cross of Christ

God wants the peoples of the world to hear the message of the cross of Christ for their salvation. It is for this reason He sends His servants to vigorously preach the gospel in every nation (Matthew 28:19).

The first-century apostles including Paul preached this message in Jewish and Gentile cities, towns and villages. But as they preached, enemies rose against them and the message. Thus Paul wrote,

“Brothers, join in imitating me, and keep your eyes on those who walk according to the example you have in us. For many, of whom I have often told you and now tell you even with tears, WALK AS ENEMIES OF THE CROSS OF CHRIST. Their end is destruction, their god is their belly, and they glory in their shame, with minds set on earthly things” (Philippians 3:17-19, emphasis mine).

Two keys terms in the passage above that I consider very important for explanation in this article are “enemies” and “the cross of Christ.”

The word “enemies” is used several times in the Bible – both the Old Testament and the New Testament. Enemies are antagonists, foes or adversaries who are hateful and destructive. 

On the other hand, the cross of Christ symbolizes the crucifixion of Christ Jesus, leading to eternal salvation of the world through faith in Christ alone. 

Therefore, enemies of the cross of Christ, in the context of the scriptural verse above, refer to people who hate and oppose the efficacious preaching of the message of the cross called the gospel.

Jewish religious leaders who stood against the Lord Jesus Christ and the early apostles were enemies of the cross as they arrested, imprisoned and even sometimes killed the preachers of the message of the cross of Christ.

Alexander the Coppersmith, who did great harm to Paul was an enemy both of the apostle and the cross of Christ (2 Timothy 2:4:14).

False teachers who distorted the truth of the gospel in the days of the early apostles, influencing believers to reject Christ Jesus were enemies of the cross. 

Today, governments, social commentators and atheists who through the media mock the Church, scorn the Bible and denigrate preachers in an attempt to undermine the preaching of the gospel are enemies of the cross.

However, the real enemies of the cross intended in the passage above are false teachers. Not only do they dilute the message of the cross to confuse people, they actually refuse to make the proclamation of the gospel a priority.

They are the ones who have substituted the gospel of salvation which is centred on Christ Jesus with the prosperity gospel which is centred on money, thereby influencing many to focus on earthly accomplishment and gratification over spiritual commitments.

In Philippians 3:19, Paul mentioned four things that every Christian needs to know about enemies of the cross. They are important for our knowledge, instruction and edification.

Their end is destruction

First, Paul writes that the end of such enemies is destruction. Yes, they are destined for eternal damnation in hell fire. This is self-destruction resulting from their own decision to reject the teachings of Christ Jesus.

By refusing to abide in the teachings of our Saviour, these enemies of the cross have chosen to walk the broad path that leads to destruction which is eternal separation from God.

Their god is their belly

Second, the apostle states that the god of the enemies of the cross is their belly. This implies that the greatest thing false teachers and others pay attention to is sensual pleasures. 

They work to satisfy their appetites and desires with food, drinks, clothing and other earthly goods without any commitment to spiritual matters.

They glory in their shame

Here, Paul says that the enemies of the cross take pride in praises they receive from their disgraceful lifestyles. False teachers and prophets feel honoured when people celebrate them after flaunting their planes, cars  mansions and clothes in the media.

But they know that they acquired most of these things through deception and trickery which are disgraceful and shameful acts. So Paul is right in stating that they glory in their shame. 

Their minds are set on earthly things

Finally, the apostle describes them as people whose minds are set on earthly things. This indicates that they are earthly minded which means they are concerned with material things which do not last. 

This contrasts the mindset of believers in Christ who are spiritual-minded and so focus on things above in obedience to Scripture (Colossians 3:2).

These, in conclusion, invite Christians to remain faithful to God, uphold the superiority of the message of the cross of Christ and priortize the preaching of the gospel for the salvation of souls. 

We should be heavenly-minded and value treasures and rewards in heaven promised us in heaven for our eternal satisfaction. 

By James Quansah 

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About James Quansah

James Quansah is the lead pastor of End-Time Christ's Commissioners and Executive Director of Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre. He is also a self-motivated communication and management professional with over 20 years of experience as the Ashanti Regional Editor/Manager of the Daily Guide Newspaper.

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