JAMES QUANSAH’S POWERFUL QUOTES | Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre
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“Every child of God is a Christian but not every Christian is a child of God.”

“Many pastors in this generation preach/teach to excite and impress than to explain and improve.”

“Jesus Christ is real. And I love and follow Him not just because I have read about Him in the Bible, but also that He healed me of a medically incurable disease which medics at KATH couldn’t diagnose and treat in 2016.”

“The Church of Jesus Christ is not made up of first-best Christians called CLERGY and second-best Christians called LAITY. All are God’s clergy and laity.”

“Jesus Christ didn’t prescribe any uniforms, rings, chains and titles for His servants to use to clericalise the Church.

“A decorated bishop without a dedicated heart to Christ is a danger to the Body of Christ.”

“The modern Church has paid so much attention to decoration to make people happy than dedication to make God happy.”

“A humble pastor or apostle does not see himself as better than the congregation of believers he ministers to.”

“A Christian who is lazy at reading the Bible and other Christian materials will always be deceived by false pastors.”

“Today’s Church is committed to doing many things God never commanded but unable to do many things God ever commanded.”

A prophet is nothing unless his ministry is characterised by the demonstration of love for everyone.”

“God is the greatest giver the world has ever known and Jesus Christ is the greatest gift the world has ever recieved.”

About James Quansah

James Quansah is the lead pastor of End-Time Christ's Commissioners and Executive Director of Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre. He is also a self-motivated communication and management professional with over 20 years of experience as the Ashanti Regional Editor/Manager of the Daily Guide Newspaper.

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