Should Christians Agree With Tagoe Sisters And Listen To Songs Produced By Unbelievers? | Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre
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Should Christians Agree with Tagoe Sisters and Listen to Songs Produced by Unbelievers?

BORN AGAIN Christians are biblically called children of God. Before they were saved by grace through faith in Christ Jesus, Christians were unbelievers.

But Christians are not taken to heaven immediately after their salvation. They live together with unbelievers who are biblically referred to as children of the devil in the world.

Even  though Christians are in the world, the Lord Jesus Christ points out that they are not of the world (John 17:16). This makes Christians a holy people who are separated to God.

Yet, Christians among other things eat foods prepared by unbelievers, board vehicles manufactured and driven by unbelievers, drink water served by unbelievers, wear clothing sewn by unbelievers, live in houses built by unbelievers and listen to messages presented by unbelievers at home, school, market, radio and television stations.

What then is wrong when God’s holy people, Christians, listen to songs composed and sung by unbelievers who are controlled by the devil?

While some Christians see nothing wrong with listening to songs produced by worldly musicians, others think otherwise.

Tagoe Sisters, well-known Christian musicians see nothing wrong with Christians listening to music produced by secular musicians especially Highlife.

According to them, most of the Highlife songs are inspirational and there is nothing wrong with listening to such songs.

The Sisters spoke in an interview on Kingdom FM recently.

Tagoe Sisters claimed, for instance, that God lives in Nana Ampadu so there is nothing wrong with listening to Highlife music.

Bishop Daniel Obinim, Christian Kwabena Andrews, popularly called Osofo Kyiri Abosom and other pastors have encouraged their followers to listen to songs produced by unbelievers.

However, it is important for Christians to know and understand the uniqueness of music. Generally, music invokes spirit beings and messages of music go to the spirit of man directly.

The Bible says an anointing (the Holy Spirit) came upon Elisha, the prophet, to prophesy after a Godly musician had played the music (2 Kings 3:15–16).

Thus, God commands His children to sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs (Colossians 3:16). This implies that true Christians should be mindful of the kind of songs they sing or listen to.

Music can help build believers or destroy them depending upon its source – evil spirit-inspired or Holy Spirit-inspired songs.

So, songs that Christians must listen to ought to be songs full of good advice, counsel and wisdom that influence the listener positively. This may include worldly songs. Above all, Christians must greatly listen to songs inspired by the Holy Spirit.

Holy Spirit-inspired music releases anointing and brings the manifest presence of God. It drives out evil spirits. We are told of a biblical account in which David played music and the evil spirit that was tormenting King Saul left him (1 Samuel 16:22–23).

The evil spirit did not leave Saul because it heard about the sound of the lyre but because the Holy Spirit was upon the musician, David.

But music that is inspired by an evil spirit often influences people to sin. This is why many people commit sexual immorality, get drunk, steal, commit suicide, become angry, sorrowful and even weep or become bitter and unforgiving after listening to secular music.

Christians therefore must be careful about the kind of music they make time to listen to, considering their effects on their lives.

By James Quansah,

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James Quansah is the Executive Director of Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre (CLC) and lead Pastor of End-Time Christ’s Commissioners (ECC), Kumasi, Ghana. James is also a journalist by profession. He is married with four children.

About James Quansah

James Quansah is the lead pastor of End-Time Christ's Commissioners and Executive Director of Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre. He is also a self-motivated communication and management professional with over 20 years of experience as the Ashanti Regional Editor/Manager of the Daily Guide Newspaper.

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