Great Words Of Wisdom To A Discerning Christian (2) | Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre
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Great Words of Wisdom to a Discerning Christian (2)

IN THE Part One, we discussed how King Solomon possessed everything that everybody could possibly wish for on earth, yet his work and accomplishments did not satisfy the longing fulfillment he was desperately craving for.

Now, if pleasure and work gave him no lasting satisfaction, then, perhaps wealth would. Solomon amassed wealth and became the richest man on earth. He became great and increased more than everyone who lived before him in Jerusalem (Ecclesiastes 2: 9).

With so much wealth he realized money could not fulfill him (Ecclesiastes 5:10). Just like Jesus said in Luke 12: 15 that a man’s life consist not in the abundance of the things he possesses.

Solomon felt empty from pleasure, work and wealth, but he still had wisdom. He sought fulfillment in wisdom. He compared wisdom to folly and clearly saw wisdom surpassed folly just as light surpassed darkness.

Like Marcus Garvey said, “Intelligence rules the world and ignorance carries the burden”. But Solomon realized that in the end the same fate befell both the wise and the fool. Death, they say, is the great equalizer. The wise and the fool, rich and the poor, literate and illiterate are all put in the same bracket when they die.

A wise man will be buried not to return to the earth just like the fool. Wisdom does not keep a man alive forever. In the end, the wise goes to the grave empty handed just like the fool. He carries nothing with him; all the riches, wisdom, properties and projects are left behind (Ecclesiastes 5:15, 1Timothy 6:7).

Kryzayda Rodriguez, a popular fashion/lifestyle blogger died 10 months after being diagnosed with stomach cancer. In her last post on Instagram, she said, “I have a brand new car parked outside that can’t do anything for me, I have all kinds of designers clothes, shoe and bags that can’t do anything for me, I have money in my account that can’t do anything for me, I have a big well-furnished house that can’t do anything for me.

Look, I’m lying here in a twin-size hospital bed; I can take a plane any day of the week if I like, but that can’t do anything for me’’. She saw no usefulness in all the things she had acquired in her last days.

Solomon became deeply suspicious about life which left him with this question: “What advantage does man have from all his work which he does under the sun?’’(Ecclesiastes 1:3). What is the point of it all?

A similar question is asked by Jesus in Matthew 16: 26; “For what is man profited, if he shall gain the whole world and lose his soul?’’ When our life is brought to its end, what will be left for us? Nothing! If death ends it all, then life will have no meaning. There will be no profit and lasting reward from our toil on earth.

Solomon thought he knew all about life, but instead of finding meaning and purpose, he found futility in his search. There is but one place to find meaning and purpose in life. If our search for meaning in life has proven futile, it is probably because we lack deeper understanding and revelation.

Solomon, after relying on his power, wisdom and resources to find the meaning and purpose in life finally realized it can only be found in one source which is God.

Ng Chee Tat Philip, the richest man in Singapore who is a devout Christian has observed that life and materialism without Jesus Christ is an empty and broken life.

He said, “I have discovered that all of us are broken, we all have a missing piece. For me, I discovered that the missing piece was God in Jesus Christ”. When he realized there was “no better me, or better things without Jesus, then it all snapped in place.”

By James Quansah & Seth Odame

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James Quansah is the Executive Director of Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre (CLC) and lead Pastor of End-Time Christ’s Commissioners (ECC), Kumasi, Ghana. James is also a journalist by profession. He is married with four children.

About James Quansah

James Quansah is the lead pastor of End-Time Christ's Commissioners and Executive Director of Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre. He is also a self-motivated communication and management professional with over 20 years of experience as the Ashanti Regional Editor/Manager of the Daily Guide Newspaper.

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