Messages And Teachings - Page 17 Of 94 - Christ-Conscious Leadership Center
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Messages and Teachings

How to Identify a True Man of God

  It is very difficult for many Christians to differentiate between a true man of God and a false man of God. What makes it difficult is the fact that both of them use the Bible, put on similar clothes, preach and pray in the name of Jesus Christ and …

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Guides and Role Models in Ministry

There are ministers of God who may be referred to as guides or ‘role models’ in ministry. They are quite different from fathers in Christ. Most often, they do or they did not have direct personal relationship with young ministers who learn from them. But their ministries serve as guides …

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‘And Then Will I Declare To Them, I Never Knew You’

  Many Pastors and Christians have been doing great works in the name of the Lord. We have been used to preach the gospel to save souls, plant churches, counsel people, heal the sick and minister to various needs of people.   We have done all these, thinking that God …

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We have established that walking in love involves understanding and embracing God’s unconditional love for us, which empowers us to love God, ourselves, and others, and to forgive one another and ourselves. God has already made provisions in Christ for us to live under His abundant life, benefits, and promises …

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