Putting The God-Kind Of Love To Work (Part 1) | Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre
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Putting The God-Kind Of Love To Work (Part 1)

God has poured a measure of His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit (Rom. 5:5). However, we must walk in the light of the God-kind of love; let it be our highest goal. Then we can all enjoy the various benefits of this love.

Therefore, we must renew our minds to the truth of the God-kind of love, exercise it, and grow in it.

In this first part, we have delved into the first six characteristics of the God-kind of love. Believers must understand the various characteristics of the God-kind of love as revealed in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8.

1) The God-kind of love in our hearts is patient. It demonstrates forbearance, understanding, and empathy, allowing space for growth.

2) Divine love is kind. It shows genuine care for others, seeking to uplift, encourage, and support them in both words and actions. It involves acts of generosity, empathy, and thoughtfulness.

3) Love is not envious. It rejoices in the accomplishments and happiness of others and celebrates their victories as if they were its own.

4) It doesn’t parade itself. It doesn’t seek attention or recognition for its actions but rather acts with sincerity without the need for external validation.

5) God’s love within isn’t puffed up. It is not arrogant or conceited. It doesn’t inflate itself with pride or self-importance but rather remains humble and considerate of others.

6) It doesn’t behave rudely. God-kind of love doesn’t engage in behaviour that is offensive, disrespectful, or inconsiderate.

As we renew our minds to these truths on the God-kind of love and exercise them, we can have victory in every area of our lives, for love doesn’t fail. In the second part, we will explore other characteristics of this love

GOD’S servant: Peter Collins Obeng

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