Which Book Are You Reading As A Christian? | Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre
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Which Book Are You Reading as a Christian?

One key command in the Bible for Christians to keep is to “study” (2 Timothy 2:15). The word “study” in the context of the Scripture is to diligently read the Scriptures and other related books.

This means that not only must Christians individually read their Bibles, they must also spend quality time to read other good Christian books that explain the Scriptures and reveal to them the mind of God.

The Lord Jesus read prophet Isaiah’s book (Luke 4:18). The Ethiopian eunuch also read prophet Isaiah’s book (Acts 8:30).

Daniel read prophet Jeremiah’s book (Daniel 9:2). Paul advised Timothy, his son in the Lord, to read good books (2 Timothy 2:15).

I have also read and continue to read the Bible and books written by Bishop Dag Heward-Mills, Prophet Kenneth Hagin and several other Christian writers.

There are many good Christian books out there which have been written by sincere servants of Christ under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. They include my books.

We must make it a habit to buy and read Christian books to renew our minds. Read them; they will impart your spiritual life as they are written to explain biblical truths.

By James Quansah

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One comment

  1. Nana Yaw Boateng

    Thanks pastor

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