Can We Christians Also Remember To Make These Confessions? | Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre
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Can We Christians Also Remember To Make These Confessions?

SOME PASTORS urge their church members to make confessions of their faith. They tell them to say, “I am rich and not poor”, “I am the head and not the tail,” “I will never lack money in my account and pocket” I am blessed and highly favoured” and many more.

And the believers conclude their faith confessions with a thunderous, “In the name of Jesus.”

There is nothing wrong in making such confessions. They are good. But as we do, can we also remember to add, “I am saved from sin, I am not a sinner” “My sins have been taken away by Christ, making me a new person.”

“I am holy and righteous in Christ Jesus,” “I am called to a holy calling,” “I will not sin again” “I have stopped sinning from today forward, ”and “I walk in the victory of Christ over sin by the power of the Holy Spirit”, in the name of Jesus.

If we Christians believe in and teach the Word of Christ which says that “Give and shall be given to you…..” Then we should also believe in and teach the Word of Christ which says “Stop sinning or something worse may happen to you.”

After all, we believe that with God all things are possible.

If Jesus Christ forgives us of our sins, and tells us to, “Go and sin no more” it means He has freed and liberated us from the power of sin.

It means we have been empowered to start a new walk in righteousness, purity and holiness. It means we will not practice sin habitually.

It means when we are tempted to sin, we will discern the rebuke of the Holy Spirit to repent of our sin, confess our sin, rise from the fall and return to the Lord.

By James Quansah

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James Quansah is the Executive Director of Christ-Conscious Leadership Centre (CLC) and lead Pastor of End-Time Christ’s Commissioners (ECC), Kumasi, Ghana. James is also a journalist by profession. He is married with four children.

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  1. Wow so interesting daddy. I have learnt a lot from this article.

  2. Min. Michael Florida

    Very true. This is a very powerful article I believe it was written by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

    If we Believers are bold enough to confess to amass material things which is good for our earthly living, how much more of are spiritual life which is eternal?

    Confessing to claim material blessings are good but we must also do well to confess and claim for righteousness, purity, holiness, for these are also our heritage.

    God bless Pastor James Quansah.

  3. Absolutely

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